The search starts, (last year of training trip)

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The Daimyo of the Land of Stone was quite upset with how the mission went. He was an understanding person, so when Naruto explained why they failed the mission, he had no choice but to accept the mission as a failure. He did pay them for bringing information on the possible outcome of what happened to his riches. He did say he was going to send word to the Daimyo of the Land of That, but there is a possibility that even he won't find out what happened.

At the moment it was 6 o'clock entering night time, Naruto was sitting at a camp fire with 3 other people. They where talking amongst themselves while Naruto was writing the report he's gonna be sending the Hokage. 'Now for the finishing touches..... there. Let me send this report.' Just before he put the report scroll on the window seal he paused. 'I haven't seen my Little brother for two years now. I haven't won the best brother of the year award in 2 years now.' He paused a little with his thoughts. Then he looked up at the sky. 'Lady Tsunade says he's on his own training trip with Jiraiya and it's been a year now since he started. Maybe I can spend my last year with him and Jiraiya..... Yeeaaah, I can teach him something new.' He thought, with some excitement at the prospect of seeing his trouble maker of a brother after two years.

'I'll send lady Tsunade a letter telling her to stop sending me missions and I'll also ask her for the location of Menma and Jiraiya.' So with that thought, he enthusiastically, pulled out a brush, ink and some paper and wrote the letter and after making sure everything was accurately written, he put both the letter and scroll on the window seal and send a burst of chakra, which caused both items to disappear in a puff of smoke.

After that, he took a bit of his meat and looked up. The other three were staring at him. "What?" He asked, with a peace of meat sticking out his mouth.

"What was all that about and how did you do that?" Misuki asked

Naruto chewed his meat calmly with his eyes closed, seemingly in deep thought, which he wasn't. After swallowing loudly, he said boredly, "I'm just sending a report to my Kage." They just looked at him like 'how?'. So he sighed and said "Don't make a big deal out of it. Now then tomorrow will be the day we go our separate ways. I don't know where I'll be going next, so we'll separate at the earliest convenience." He said, while walking towards his tent. "I'll take the last shift." And with that he went in.

"I don't understand why he has to be so mysterious. Seriously, why doesn't he just open up and chill a little." Ryoshou asked.

Taizo just shrugged. "Just let him be. It's just how he is." He paused, then shrugged and went back to the story he was talking about before he saw Naruto suddenly seal something on a drawing on the floor, like how the hell does anyone draw a working seal on the ground in sand and make it work!!!"....Anyway, like I was saying, I went on a date with her before the Kazekage summoned me for this mission...." and they spoke for about an hour extra before hitting the sake, Ryoshou choosing to take first shift but an hour already passed in that shift cause standing watch started at 6 o'clock, Taizo choosing the second and Misuki taking the third, so she'll have to wake Naruto up at 4 o'clock when her shift ends.

10 hours and 50 minutes later

Misuki was looking at the stars deep in thought. She had 10 minutes before her shift was over. Ever since she's been up she's had a certain red head on her mind.

She doesn't know why, but his mysterious and powerful aura just makes him look like the most dominant male in the world and that's deeply attractive to the opposite sex, AKA Misuki.

She's barely been able to control herself, always blushing a little when he does something manly. It got even worst when he started flirting with her out of the blue. She noticed that he only does that to remove her from sensitive topics but damnit he's too damn good with how he speaks and that husky tone gets her wet when she thinking about....

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