✄ Leave me alone - Juzo POV

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I turn my back on you
As you get near
I shudder at your presence
my strength is inferior
My hands shake
My thoughts are loud
I know you can hear

I sweat from anxiety

And cry from fear
I know you can smell
I’m in this hell
You cornered me
I don’t want to be here
So let me go
Leave me alone
Do I make myself clear?
You stalk and push
I meet your eyes

The innocence of it all
You stare me down
I hit the ground and cry

Leave me alone

You extend a hand
I don’t take it
You hold it there
I know it’s a trick

You don’t actually care

The scene changes
To a wintery clif
You stand over me
But this time I’m over the edge
No matter how hard I try
Your hand is the only option
I shake from the effort
The darkness I’ll fall into

Will swallow me whole
And claim my soul

Leave me alone

You stand over me
With your hand extended
And now eyes full of desperation
You didn’t mean to show it
It’s not what you intended

I look at you one last time
And release my muscles
And everything I’ve been holding on to

Leave me alone

As I fall I see you
Eyes full of disbelief
You sneer and scowl
And turn your back

Just as I did to you
And somehow I want you
To reach for me once more

I hit the end of the darkness
And my spine shatters
I can’t see anything
It’s cold and dark
Shivers run through me
And I hear the cries

Of those who didn’t take
The hand that they should’ve

Left alone

I look up and see nothing
I look down and can’t see my feet
I look side to side
Hoping to see something

The scene changes again
To a field full of graves
With me standing at my own
I close my eyes then open
You appear
Eyes narrowed and fists clenched
And an unmoving scowl fixed toward me
I look you in the eyes
Mine solid as stone
And I say through my teeth

“Leave me alone”


I jolt awake
My heart racing
My hands cold and shaking
With goosebumps all over
And a sense of relief comes over me
I smile
I survived.

✄ Sad/Angsty Juzosuke PoemsWhere stories live. Discover now