Pirai Thedum Iravile Uyire - Part 1

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🎶 Pirai thedum iravilae uyirae; Edhai thedi alaigiraai🎶

Mullai was finally happy at the end of a really gruelling day..It had all been so beautiful one moment and the next had turned unbelievably ugly..Her husband had gotten into a scuffle with a money lender from whom her dad had borrowed money and not paid on time..her mom had taken off on him..irked by that she had said a few words as well..he had walked off without a word...but the look on his face she knew...he was hurt...she had not even asked him what led to the scuffle..

But the sad part was it all went downhill from there...

The lender had connections in law enforcement..a relative in fact and a complaint was lodged..Mom and daughter were unceremoniously hauled to the police station..Kathir had come some time later..she didnt know how he knew to come looking for them there..but he had...

In the next few minutes her perfect world crumbled..in front of her eyes he had been hit...had his feet knocked...made to sit down...head bowed down..shoulders sagged..

But even then he had said only one thing on repeat mode...please let the ladies leave..they did nothing wrong...but had not succeeded..

Moorthy had arrived shortly...and with enough cajoling he did succeed in sending the ladies home...

But ever since she arrived she had been fidgety and kept calling Dhanam to find out if there was any development...

And finally at 12:15 in the night...or rather the wee hours of the next day...when she called she was told that he was back

Her mom had been dead against it but she left to see him anyways..

All the while when she half ran half walked back home..she wondered how she would face him..what she could say to take the pain away..but she knew just one thing..her heart searched his..the permanent flutter in her stomach since this afternoon would only settle after she had seen him..in whatever condition...Dhanam had mentioned he had been beaten badly..

She wiped at the tears with her pallu and that was when she met Jeeva...who was coming to pick her up..

They reached home shortly..

Moorthy and Dhanam were trying to ask her questions..reprimand her for being rash...coming alone at this time of the night

But paying no heed to them...she went into the room and locked the door..

Moorthy and Dhanam could only stand there...mouths hanging open at the way they had been thoroughly dismissed

🎶 Kadhai solla azhaikiren uyirae; Anbae nee vaa🎶

Kathir for his part had come back home...he was beaten emotionally and physically...but it was his ego that had taken the largest hit of all..he wanted only one thing...to ensure that his wife lived the life of a queen..but one rash act of his had landed her in a police station...he had seen the way the police officer spoke to her...in such a demeaning way...he had been with her like that once...but he had long since realised that even then when he hurt her with his actions..he couldn't take it when others hurt her intentionally or otherwise..the wedding fiasco was proof enough..and today he had seen someone treat her that way..and he could do zilch about it...she had cried..her tears were his weakness...he had been shattered...he felt so guilty...

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