chapter 11: ready race rescue begins

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"At the lookout"

Marshall: guys their starting.
Chase: it's to early.
Rubble:yeah Marshall but I do want to watch the racer team cruiser..

Marshall:then stop complaining.
Ryder:Chase has a point Marshall we need to get some rest who know when we may be needed for a mission.

Marshall:please Ryder.
Skye: yeah Ryder.
Rocky:come on please Ryder.
Zuma:please Ryder dude.

Ryder:fine but not to late.
Chase:well am not staying.
Skye:why not.
Chase:am tired okay goodnight (Chase left to his pup house)

Rubble: that's new.
Ryder:I guess Chase is growing up.
Marshall:sush their starting.

"Theme song playing"

Announcer:the race is starting tommorow.

Announcer:the weather is getting breezy so tommorow the race begins and everyone is invited.

Marshall:yay Ryder(he gave Ryder puppy dog eyes)

Ryder: fine at least I can see my buddy whoosh.

Skye:wait you know whoosh.
Rocky: that's puptastic.

Ryder:so you guys should get some rest.

Marshall:sure(the all went to bed)
"Next morning"
Ryder: morning Chase.
Chase: morning Ryder sir.

Skye:how did you sleep.

Rocky:for the first time.
Marshall:Ryder can we go now.
Ryder: fine.

(At the field)
Ryder:hey whoosh.
Whoosh:Ryder mate it's nice to see you.

Marshall:I can't believe am standing next to the famous whoosh hi am Marshall

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Marshall:I can't believe am standing next to the famous whoosh hi am Marshall.

Whoosh:nice to meet you Marshall.
Marshall:am your biggest fan I watch everyone of your movie's,and I know all your tricks,I even wanted to have my own car but Ryder said no.

Ryder: you'll get it soon.
Cheetah:hello whoosh.
Whoosh: cheetah what do you want.
Cheetah:I just wanted to say hi before you lose I see you brought some company it won't work.

Whoosh:I don't care what you think just leave me alone.

Whoosh:I hope I beat her
Ryder:you got this and oh this is Marshall, rubble,Chase,Rocky,Zuma,Skye.

Whoosh:nice to meet you all.
Chase:were also your fans.
Announcer:um whoosh the race is about to begin.

Whoosh:well see you later mates(he left)

Pup's:byeeee(they went to take their seats)

Announcer:ready,set,Goooooo and go go go go go go go go go go go go gooooooooo.

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