chapter 2: sea patrol save captain turbot

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At the beach.

Danny x:how I love the beach.
Katie:your right Danny.
Mayor hummdiger:why does everyone have to be in the beach.

Goodway:sorry hummdiger you just have to learn how to live with us.

Chase:please kids don't go to close to the end of the water.

Captain turbot: Ryder it's so nice of you and the paw patrol to watch over the people in the beach.

Ryder: it's our duty as heroes.
Hummdiger:hmmmm if everyone always come here maybe it's time I get them to leave.

Turbot:looks like ice is finishing and if it's not there everyone's gonna leave I better go get more.

Hummdiger: that's it kitty katastrophe crew I need you to follow captain turbot once he gets to the place he gets ice you stop his ship got it.

Hummdiger:now go.

(At a icy place)
Captain:okay better get that ice got it now time to go huh oh no my gear it's fallen off the boat how will I get back to the beach no.

(At the beach)
Woman:hey where's my ice.
Mr Porter:hmmmmm.
Ryder:yeah Alex.
Alex:no one's getting their ice.
Ryder:what captain turbot hasn't given anyone their ice that's strange.

(At the icy place)
Turbot:this looks a job for the paw patrol.

At the beach.
Phone ringing.
Ryder:hey captain turbot where's everyone's ice.

Turbot:Ryder I need you and the paw patrol.

Ryder: what's the emergency.
Turbot: somehow I lost my spin Finn and if it's not brought back too the ship I'll sink and  a shark is hitting the ship and the water is chilly.

Ryder:oh no that's terrible don't worry captain turbot no job is too big no pup is to small sea patrol to the beach tower.

Pups:Ryder needs us.

Dan Dan Dan Dan Dan.
Chase:sea patrol ready for action captain Ryder sir.

Ryder:good pups your here captain turbot just called telling me that the spin Finn on his boat has broken off and now his sinking and also a shark is hitting his ship.

Marshall:oh no.
Ryder: that's why for this mission I'll need rubble I'll need you and your sub to carry the spin Finn because it's heavy and put it inside Rocky's sub and Marshall I'll need you to use some treats to get the sharks attention then sky you use your jet and carry captain turbot until Rocky finishes fixing the ship.

Sky: let's take to the sky's.
Marshall:am all fired up.
Rocky:green means go.
Rubble: rubbles on the double.
Ryder:the rest of you pups you'll going with me okay sea patrol is on a roll robo dog secure vehicle's now take us too sea.

Ryder:the rest of you pups you'll going with me okay sea patrol is on a roll robo dog secure vehicle's now take us too sea

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