Neville barely nodded his head.

"Wands at the ready! One. Two. Three!" He shouted.

The closet handle started shaking as it slowly came open. Shakily walking out was our Potions Professor. He started coming toward Neville when Professor Lupin told him something.

"Riddikulus!" Neville shouted, pointing his wand at Snape.

The dark robe Professor Snape was wearing turned into it old ladies clothes. Neville and the rest of the class started laughing at the silliness.

"Wonderful Neville, wonderful! Now line up!" Professor Lupin ordered us.

Neville walked back to the sea of students and I high-fived him, proudly.

"Knew you could do it!" I smiled.

Everyone lined up quickly, eager to try out the charm for themselves. Draco, Crabbe and Goyle came and pushed a bunch of students out of there way. Who does he think he is. The professor put on his record player as Ron stepped up.

"Form a line. Now I want everyone to picture the thing they fear the most and turn into something funny. Next Ron!" He said as the upbeat music started playing.

"Concentrate, yes. Be brave!" He directed Ron as the Boggart switched into his biggest fear.

A gigantic spider was standing before us and Ron looked terrified. He slowly went to take out his wand shakily. He finally pointed his wand at the Spider.

"Riddikulus!" He fires and roller skates appeared on the creatures feet.

Ron walked to the back of the line with a proud smile. He fist bumped me and I mouthed 'Brilliant' to him.

It was now my turn as I stepped out. I was really excited to try the charm but scared for what I'd see.
I watched intensely as it changed its form. Finally my father appeared with a huge frown on his face. I wasn't scared of my father, I was scared of his expression. I understood it immediately. I was scared of being the Adamo Disappointment, even though I basically already was.

My hand shook at the furious look on my fathers face , I shakily held up my wand at him.

"R-Riddikulus." I said.

"With more confidence Y/n!" Professor Lupin told me.

"Riddikulus!" I shouted, my father suddenly had a bright colored suit with candy on it.

That was completely unlike him and I started laughing, as well as the rest of the class. I was so thankful now that it was over, I felt like I was about to start crying while looking at my father. I walked to the back of the line.

Harry steps up next looking confident, but as soon as the Boggart transformed fear consumed his face. A dementor was floating in front of him and coming closer. I felt the warm air shift to coldness in the room.

The Boggart was flying in closer and closer to Harry while he didn't move. Professor Lupin jumped in and covered Harry. The dementor flew back a little and turned into some kind of moon.

"Riddikulus!" He shouted making the moon turn into a balloon.

The balloon was flying around through all the students and it hit me in the face. I fell down next to Malfoy making him fall as well.

Together (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant