virus infection

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Herobrine's POV:

I gasped. The deadly virus that I have heard from news was right in front of me. With no second thought, I teleported my enchanted diamond sword into my hand. I gathered speed and strikes at the corona virus. But it just divided. Now, there are two of them.

"No sword can kill us," said the corona virus and laughed evilly.

"And look at your sword!"

I looked at my sword and was surprised to see some green substance creeping on it. Another corona virus spawned on my beloved sword. As it approach, I grabbed my alcohol from my pocket and rubbed it on my hands. When the corona virus touched my hand it got burned.

I have an idea. I splashed a lot of alcohol on corona viruses as I made my way to monster school. I was about to made some weapons in my secret room when I thought 'how can I ever make swords out of alcohol?'

Zombie's POV:

"Do you see any ghosts here?" I asked.

"Why have you thought about that?"

"Because Herobrine said that the syringe makes us see the invisible," I said.

(Note from author: for those who have read the first story that I wrote, as they become older, they starts to consider Herobrine as their teacher rather than a dad)

"I can see one monster behind you," said Zombie Pigman.

"We are all monsters," remarked Creeper.

"I mean a bad one."

Creeper got shocked and looked behind him.

"I don't see any."

"Creeper, run!"

"I said I don't see any!"

But it was too late. The scary creature that Skeleton and I saw outside got Creeper. The green stuff was slowly devouring him.

"I feel dizzy," he said.

Ghast touched Creeper's forehead. The green thing transferred on Ghast's tentacle.

"Jeez! You have fever!" he shouted.

The creepy creature went to Slime.

"Slime! Run!" I yelled.

"Are you silly? Why should I run?"

I facepalmed.

"The creature that made Creeper and Ghast sick (they are now both coughing heavily) is behind you!"

Too late, Slime is now also coughing and he seems to breathe with difficulty. The creature was about to go to me when some kind of liquid shot to it. The creature shrieked in pain and vanished. Herobrine came in carrying a water gun.

Herobrine's POV:

I have turned a water gun into an alcohol gun. I also have a hand sanitizer gun. I noticed that as Creeper, Slime, and Ghast coughed, more corona viruses come out from their mouths.

"Guys! We need to find them a cure," I told the rest of the class.

I ushered them out of monster school, leaving my sick students inside, and gave each one of them alcohol and hand sanitizer guns.

"Let's take down covid19," I said.

To be continued...

I'm glad you enjoyed the story guys. Remember to vote and follow. Also, leave a comment. I wanna see your opinions and tell me if I have made any mistakes. See ya!

Fighting covid19: corona virus vs monster school (Discontinued)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin