Dio shifted your body to hold you bridal style as he leaped gracefully down onto the pavement. Due to your change in position, you could now see the high school student. The civilians were all running away, none of them bothering to see if he was alright. Jotaro's whole body was motionless. However, you managed to notice the slight twitch of his eyelids. Looking at the vampire holding you, he hadn't seemed to notice it.

"I'd better play it safe." Spoke Dio. "The Joestar bloodline has proven itself rather lucky." He let go of you with one hand hand to prop up his chin in thought, "He might be trying to trick me into playing dead. I must end him beyond a shadow of a doubt. By..." He broke a street sign with little effort, holding it like a weapon, "chopping his head off with this!" He gently shoved you aside as he moved to grip the sign with both hands, "You're life ends no-"

His shout fell short as you had stood in front of him. Dio let out an annoyed sigh as he tossed the makeshift weapon between hands, "(Y/N), just let me finish this. He very well may be dead already. Say, if you let me do this, I'll be kind enough to spare the lives of the others. I only really care about ending the Joestars. You know that."

Before you could even respond, Polnareff jumped out with Silver Chariot at the ready. His rapier stabbed right through the vampire's head, "Die, Dio!"

The next moment the French man was flung into the wall of a building, Dio put a hand over his wound, "Too bad, Polnareff. With just a moment more, and with just a tiny bit more force, you could have torn my brain apart with your rapier." He pointed to his head as the wound closed itself up.

Polnareff clutched his bleeding side, "B-Bastard! This is impossible..."

"You cannot assassinate Dio." Claimed the man himself. He balanced the sign on his shoulder, "I know that I said I'd leave him be if you allowed my decapitation of Jotaro, but he attacked me first. It's only natural he should be punished appropriately."

"Wait, Dio!" You shouted, earning a sidelong glance from the vampire. "I-I wasn't trying to stop you when I stood in front of you."

He placed a hand on his hip. "Oh? Then what were you doing, my darling (Y/N)?"

You thought quickly, "Warning you."

He raised an eyebrow, not buying it, "You're saying you were going to warn me of Polnareff's attack?"

You shook your head, "Nonono. Just that it wouldn't be safe to attack Jotaro in case he is still alive. At least, not at the range you were going for."

He gave a low hum as he thought it out, "Yes, I suppose you're right about that." Of course, he certainly didn't believe that you had a sudden change of heart towards him. He sauntered towards you before tilting your chin up to look at him. "What do you suggest I do, then? Sadly I seem to have ran out of knives."

There was the cocking of a gun behind Dio, "Stop! Don't move! We're the police! Both of you, put your hands up slowly!"

You kept your hands at your side and your voice quiet enough so only Dio would hear, "Are their guns a good enough weapon for you?"

He smirked, "Well, I suppose it'll have to do." The next moment the two officers were knocked out on the ground. Dio now held one of the officer's gun's. He grabbed your hand and made you grasp the weapon before turning you to face Jotaro. "Well, what are you waiting for, (Y/N)? Just shoot and you better not miss."

You hands were awfully steady as you aimed the gun at your comrade. You were at least ninety percent certain that Holly had mentioned something to you about Jotaro being able to stop a bullet at point blank range during his time in the prison. If your memory was right, then he should be able to stop a bullet from your current distance without a problem. Dio's fingers tapped along your shoulder impatiently, letting you know you were taking a little too long.

The sound of the gun firing echoed throughout the street. No movement came from Jotaro, but his jacket now had a circular hole in it. Dio gave an approving hum, "Good. I was starting to wonder if you were having second thoughts." He grabbed the gun from your hands and tossed it behind him. "I should be a bit more cautious now, though. Just in case, I'll check for his breathing." He held a finger up in front of his lips, "Could you please be quiet for me?"

You nodded slowly. "Y-Yeah... sure." You stopped your own breathing.

Dio listened for a moment, "I don't hear it. He's not breathing." He crouched down and placed a hand on the pavement. You had the sudden urge to attempt to knee him in the face, but you had a feeling that wouldn't turn out well for anyone. "Now I'll check for his heartbeat." If your heart had been pumping blood at that moment, it would've stopped. Jotaro holding his breath was one thing, but stopping his heart? Dio pressed his ear against the floor as you were trying to think of a way to perhaps distract him.

"His heart isn't beating. He is definitely dead." Announced Dio.

Your eyes widened tremendously. Had you really just imagined the faint twitch of his eyelid earlier? This whole time, had Jotaro really been dead? Had you just shot a dead man?

Dio got back up to his feet, "Why so shocked, (Y/N)? Don't tell me you still hoped he was alive after all this?" He picked the street sign back up, "But, just in case, I'll lop off his head so I can truly rest at ease." He went to slam it down on Jotaro's head only for Star Platinum to appear and bend the metal before it could hit his user.

You relief you felt in that moment was immeasurable. Jotaro was still alive after all.

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