Chapter 1

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The Rebirth

Lying in the bed was Qi Mei Xing who quietly and unmoving slept while there were hurried footsteps coming and leaving the girl's sleeping chamber. Seating on the bedside was her mother, Liu Meifen worriedly holding her daughter's hand.

Qi Dongli entered the room with a deep frown and asked his wife "What happened to our Xing-er?"

Liu Meifen explained that Qi Mei Xing slips and fell, though there were no injuries but still didn't wake up after her accident. Liu Meifen hides the fact that their mischievous daughter fell from climbing the wall to escape and to visit the youngest master of the Prime Minister's Manor tricking her handmaidens.

Liu Meifen already scolded and punished An An and Dang Dang, deducting their two months' salary and warned them to keep quiet.

Qi Mei Xing felt her body aching "Am I dead?" asking herself but hearing the voice around her, she uncomfortably moved her hands, Liu Meifen felt her daughter's hand moving. She exclaimed "Get the physician, Xing-er woke up!!!"

Qi Dongli walked towards the mother and daughter pair and asked the still in dazed daughter tenderly

"Are you okay Xing-er?"

Qi Mei Xing notice her father looking younger, the wrinkles in his face isn't visible he's more likely in his late 30's than late 40's. Confuse, she then saw her mother and notice her skin fairer than she last seen her. She was more likely in her early 30's than in her middle 40's .

Qi Mei Xing wiped her eyes bewildered believing that she was only hallucinating things.

While pondering if what she's seeing is true she then noticed her small, soft hands.

Qi Mei Xing immediately fell in a deep thought forcing herself to remember the last thing before she woke up........

She remembered that she was so excited after finding out that her husband will finally get home but the next day she heard that her husband, Shen Jie Wei will take a young lady home. She got hurt and decided to go to her parent's home but got into an accident by falling into the cliff.

Qi Mei Xing also remembered the feeling of despair and regret before everything turns back, as she succumbs in death.

'But why she was in their Manor?' 'Did she survive?' 'But if she survived, why her appearance is younger that her real appearance?'
'Why she's lying on her childhood bed with all the people in the room being younger than the last time she saw them?'

Many questions flooded her mind but she can't find the answer as she still felt that this was surreal. These was maybe her only wishful thinking but seeing her worried parents, she started to wail like a child.

Pouring her unexpressed sadness, dissatisfaction, anger, regret in a long years, Shedding her unshed tears. Her parents panicky coaxed her but the more they tried to comfort her the more she cried. Liu Meifen helplessly hugs her daughter and stared at her also helpless husband. Qi Mei Xing slept in tiredness from crying.

After Liu Meifen tucked her in her quilt, they left hesitantly.

Qi Mei Xing woke up the next day, believing all the things happened was only a dream. She sat on the bed dazing the whole day doubting if what she has been seeing is the reality or if she's still dreaming.

An An and Dang Dang worriedly served her seeing her strange behaviour, asking them so much questions but they can only followed and complied to their young mistress by bringing information about the things happening in the present time.

It was only in the third day after her rebirth when she accept the truth but there's still a lingering feelings that tells her it was a continuous dream and one day it will end and she will go back to the real world. She then acted normal and calm which really puzzled her handmaidens.

Qi Mei Xing parents and grandparents didn't try to open the topic about her accident afraid that she will burst again. She locked herself in her courtyard, not letting anyone in even her doting brothers to adjust her attitude and adjust in this timeline. She must not let anyone finds any faults in her.

Qi Mei Xing finds that she was 14 years old, already promised to the young Shen Jie Wei 4 years ago. She tried to find a way out for her but always saw a dead end ahead of her but after draining out her brain for days she still can't find anything and couldn't plan her future. She didn't want to do reckless things like tainting her reputation as she already have a not so good reputation circling the upper society just to break her betrothal with the young Shen Jie Wei and be the real shame and dirt of the Qi Clan. She knew how precious she was in their family and didn't want them to have a headache and heartache cause by her recklessness and careless action.

Half a month passed when she ended her seclusion and opened the door.

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