"This motherfucker

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"This motherfucker..." Warwick said as he and Rachel face palmed at how stupid the platypus before them was.

"Oh my God..." Sally and Subodai said shaking their head. Sarah and Bonnie look at each other with deadpanned eyes.

"Let's head to Skull Island then..." Sally grumbled as they head back to the boat.

** The group travel the sky ways to Skull Island***

Subodai lands on the dock first and looks around near the entrance.

While the group look around Sally spots the man from a few days ago. He seemed to be sitting with the little boy who was eating some yum yum fruit happily. The man would play catch with the happy dog and a stick.

"Try to not wonder too far, Omari." The man told the dog who was watching the crew with a big smile on her snout and the stick in her mouth.

Sally and the man take notice of each other, and Sally being focused on the man and his companions, doesn't notice her own talking to Blind Mew.

The man gives her a small but handsome smile upon recognizing her from the other night.

Sally gives a sheepish smile back her cheeks burning slightly.

"Oi! Lassie we're heading off!" Warwick shouts catching both Sally and the man's attention as they turn to look at Warwick who was waiting for her while the rest of the group headed to the sewers.

Sally quickly looks back at the man and gives him another sheepish smile before running after her crew.

The man smiles to himself and looks down at the hourglass necklace around his neck.

It was a gift from a childhood friend, and he had a strong feeling that Sally was she

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It was a gift from a childhood friend, and he had a strong feeling that Sally was she.


Warwick recaps Sally on what she missed.

The crew enter the sewers and all hold their noses in disgust.

"The ol' cat's right- there are a lot of tracks in the mud. Norville and' some Dogs went this way." Bonnie says.

"Whew. This place reeks..." Sarah mutter pulling out a scarf to tie around the lower part of her face to cover her nose.

Sally's pet bird let's out a disgusted chirp from where it was burrowed under the scarf on her head.

The crew continue to follow the tracks through the sewers the smell slowly fading away thanks to Warwick's quick work of using a spell to prevent them from smelling like the stench later and from them smelling it now.

"Warwick to the rescue." Sally said causing the group to nod in agreement. Warwick playfully puts his hands on his cheeks in a playful bashful way and waves the off.

"Who goes there? Hey! You're not Sammy- get'em, lads!" Beemish, a seal shouts catching the groups attention, they all get in a battle stance ready for battle.

The group make quick work of the enemies before making their way over to Norville.

"Thank you! I thought I was doomed for certain." Norville said relieved as the group untie him.

"Who's this Sammy?" Warwick asks rhetorically. Norville doesn't catch on that it was rhetorical and answers anyway, "I don't know who this 'Sammy' was these villains were making for, and I hope to never meet him."

"Okay, anyway, Captain Ahab sent us." Sally said.

"Good- I need to get the Frogfather's payment to him at once!" Norville said ruffling his head feathers.

"The Frogfather?" Rachel asks creasing her forehead.

"Ayuh, the Frogfather. Jonah Town pays him each month to...well... I'll leave that to my father to explain. Ayuh. Let's go." Norville said walking out.

Warwick, Sally and Rachel exchange looks before following him back to the ship.


"You have my thanks, Captain. My son is safe and sound, and you've recovered our money from the market." Ahab says.

"We all know ye care more about yer money then yer son..." Rachel mutters glaring at Ahab.

"So the money goes to the Frog father?" Sally asks placing her hands on her hips.

"Ayuh, the money is going to be paid to the Frogfather, yes. That's supposed to be a secret. We have an arrangement with the Frogfather. We pay him to protect Jonah Town from all the Cutthroats and other ruffians." Ahab says in one breath.

Rachel leans against Subodai about ready to punch Ahab.

"You still mean to see the Frogfather?" He asks Sally in shock.

"Well, no duh, we didn't help ye for free. We came here for a reason and intend to achieve it!" Warwick said talking to Ahab as if he were a moron.

"I advise against it, but very well- I'll send you down. That's right, I said down." Ahab said thinking the group would back down but they stare at him expectantly.

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