Chapter 4: New Neighbors

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<Lauren's POV>
Amy called my name from the living room, I rolled my eyes and walked into the living room. "What is it Amy?" I asked semi annoyed.
"The new neighbors are here!" She said looking out the window across the street at a 4 door white car.
I watched as a girl stepped out of the drivers side followed by the most adorable puppy ever. I eventually saw her face when she turned to shut the door, she had the most beautiful blue eyes and luscious blonde hair. It wasn't to long it went down to about the middle of her back, she ran a hand through her hair and I wished it could have been my hand- wait what? I don't even no her name and I already wish I could touch her hair? I guess I was just envious. I knew I was bisexual, but knowing my family they would disown me so I kept it to myself. I watched as another car pulled up behind hers, it was a 4 door green Honda, a boy stepped out, he was about the girls height but a bit taller, the beautiful blonde girl was about 5'5. She was shorter than me defiantly but the boy next to her was about 5'9. They shared a short conversation before the Siberian husky puppy started barking and they went inside.

"Awww puppy!" I heard Dani yell from next to me.
"Geez Dani, you're so loud." I said while rubbing my ear.
"Sorry I just saw you guys looking out and decided to see what you were looking at. That puppy was so cute, we should go introduce ourselves!" She suggested.
"Maybe later Dani when Christina, Katherine, and Lisa are back." Amy said, with that Dani walked away.

"The boy was cute." Amy pulled me out of the trance I was in.
"The girls looks just a bit older than me, maybe I could be her friend." For some reason I could only think of the blonde hair and blue eye mysterious girl.
~~~Later Night~~~
Christina, Katherine, and Lisa finally came home. Katherine decided to make cookies to take over to the new neighbors. It was about an hour from sunset and we were going to walk over to the house to make sure they got in okay. Mike and I were playing the Xbox surrounded by all my brothers we were intensely paying attention to the T.V screen.

"Are you guys coming to greet the new neighbors with us?" I heard Christina ask us, my mind thought back to the blue eyed beauty. I paused the game and put my controller down, instantly all my brothers pounced on the controller. "I guess it's just the girls going then." I heard Christina continues annoyed, I followed her to the door where the rest were waiting, I slipped on my converse and looked down at my appearance I was wearing a pair of joggers and a sweatshirt, I grabbed a SnapBack and put it ontop of my head. We all walked across the street and huddle into the porch. I could feel my heartbeat quickening, I didn't understand the affect this girl was having on me. We could hear the song 'Bang Bang' playing from somewhere inside the house followed by laughter. Finally Christina rang the doorbell, it took a second but eventually the door opened up revealing the guy from earlier. I saw a smile spread across Amy and Lisa's lips. He gave us a half smile that made Amy and Lisa go crazy, I knew it.

"Hi, we live just across the street from you. We thought we'd come say hi." I heard Christina speak. "I'm Christina." Christina started.
"I'm Katherine." Katherine spoke.
"I'm Lisa." Lisa spoke.
"I'm Amy." Amy spoke a little shyer than normal.
"I'm Lauren." I spoke.
"And I'm Dani."
We decided to leave the last part out. He gave us another half smile.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all. I'm Kyle." We could all here his British accent and I knew all of us were secretly fangirling.
"Where did you move here from?" I heard Lisa ask.
"Oh we just moved from London." He answered.
"You're British?" I asked suddenly back in reality.
"Well actually my family and I are British. Here come in, meet them." He stepped aside and we stepped into the house. He led us into the living room. It seemed mostly empty aside from the couch. I saw the T.V was paused, they had been playing 'Just Dance:2015'. I saw a girl walk in who looked a lot like Kyle accept in girl form.

"Guys this is Ally. Ally these are our neighbors." He gestured to the girl who had just walked in. She was wearing all pink, she seemed very girly.
"It's nice to meet you all." She smiled before going back to her phone.
"Where's Lexi?" He asked Ally, he excused himself to the staircase, I could hear him yell from the steps. "Lex, get down here!" He walked back into the living room and sat across from us. A couple seconds later I saw the most amazing pair of eyes walk in. She was even more beautiful in person, she was wearing a pair of old navy sweatpants, a 'All Time Low' band t-shirt and socks with Pokémon on them, finally her hair was thrown into a messy bun, she was wearing a pair of black rimmed glasses, I assumed they were reading glasses though, she was carrying a small child in one arm while the other she had her phone pressed to her ear. I saw a small Siberian husky following close behind her.

"Hey Troy, I gotta call you back." She hung up the phone and looked at the girls. "I am so sorry, I wasn't expecting company, I'm still getting used to the whole time change." I could swoon for her British accent, her accent was even more strong than her brothers.
"Oh, no need to apologize, it's your house." I heard Christina say.
"I'm Alexa." She smiled and then gestured to the tired baby in her hands. "This is Mason, our little brother. And then this little guy is Hercules." She gestured to the Siberian Husky puppy at her feet.
"Can I pet your puppy?" Lisa and Dani asked in unison.
"Of course." She giggled and I swear I couldn't breathe, it was more melodic than Cimorelli harmonies.
Lisa and Dani went over and pet the puppy, he licked their faces. I saw Alexa walk over to the play-pin in the side of the room and place Mason in it with a couple of toys. "I don't believe I caught your names?" She asked walking back over to us.
"I'm Christina." Christina spoke
"I'm Katherine." Katherine spoke.
"I'm Lisa." Lisa spoke.
"I'm Amy." Amy spoke.
"I'm Lauren." I spoke.
"And I'm Dani." Dani spoke.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all." She smiled and my eyes once again found hers. I saw her blush and it was the cutest thing ever. Hercules ran over to her feet and She picked him up. "Are you being a trouble maker?" She said in a puppy voice. He just licked her face and barked.

"Well it was a pleasure meeting you all. We would like to invite you over to a barbecue tomorrow night to get to know you better. It'll be fun, we have a pool and trampoline." Christina spoke.
"That sounds fun." Kyle spoke up smiling. "What'd you say Lex?" He looked over at Alexa and she just nodded and smiled.
"That sounds splendid, an our mother will be able to attend tomorrow so she can meet your parents."

We all slowly got up and walked towards the door.
"I almost forgot we brought you these cookies, as a welcome gift." Katherine held the basket out and Kyle took the basket and smiled.
"Thank you." He smiled.
"If you need anything we are just across the street and we are the Cimorelli's" Christina spoke.
With that we walked back across the street.

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