Chapter 1 // Winged man

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You slowly opened your eyes and looked around the white hospital room. The blinds were shut so it took a second for your eyes to adjust to the dark room. you almost jumped out of your own skin when you noticed a man standing in the corner of the room.


"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. Are you alright?" The man's voice was cheerful with a soothing undertone but you didn't really hear what he said, you were too distracted by his large deep red wings.

"That was one hell of a fall you took." After he said that the pain started to register in your body. First stinging in your arm then a dull pain around your core. Leaning forward you wrap your bandage arm around your stomach and the other holds your throbbing head. The man walked over and sat on the creaky hospital bed and placed a hand on your shoulder.

"A nurse with pain relief should be here soon. Just try and hold on for another minute or to. What is your name?" You opened your mouth to answer then it hit you... you don't remember.

"I don't know... where am I... who are you, what happened to me, Why the fuck do you have wings?!" you started to panic. The winged man sighed.

"Looks like you might have some amnesia, damn." he leaned back and started to explain.

"Well my name is Hawks and I'm a pro hero, you got into an accident where you fell off a bridge. I managed to pull you from the water before you could drown. That's about all I know." Hawks stood up and walked to the door.

"I have to go, but I will come back and cheek up on you ok." You nod in agreement as he went. You were left staring at the ceiling.


"Here are your clothes mis, we were able to clean and dry them for you" A nurse handed you a bag as you filled out the discharge form. You turn around to leave when you see the winged man standing at the door.

"Perfect timing I guess." Walking towards him a few feathers fell off and flew over to you to take your clothes bag.

"It just occurred to me you don't really have anywhere to go, do you." you shook your head.

"No sir...." Hawks thought for a second before smiling.

"Hey, you must be hungry, why don't you come to my place for dinner, it's just down the street from here." You nod without hesitating at his offer, you were starving.


His house was quite small but had a really comfortable atmosphere.

"You don't mind Chinese don't ya kid?" Hawks pick up his phone.

"That sounds nice."

You sit on the soft red couch as he ordered for dinner. All you could do as you wait was twiddle your thumbs and hum softly to yourself.

"Should be here soon," Hawk smiled as he sat next to you.

"By the way, I should probably call you by your name."

"But I don't know my name."

"I know..." He sat back and sighed.

"How about I give you a name while you try and remember your real one, how's Y/N?" you give him a small smile back.

"Yeah, that sounds good."

"Great, well Y/N, you are free to stay here until we find you a place to stay!"

"Thank you Hawks."

Soaring through life // Hawks x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now