Chapter 9 - Burning Up.

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Thanks to the person who recommended the plot for this chapter Multiiiifan

Adam woke up to the sound of his and Kim's alarm going off at 6am as usual. He rolled over only to find that Kim was not in bed as usual.

"Kim? Honey?" Adam said and then heard coughing coming from the bathroom connected to their room.

He walked across the room to see Kim sitting on the floor leaning over the toilet, hurling.

"Hey, hey." Adam said immediately rushing up to his wife who looked ghostly pale and exhausted. He scrapped her hair back and held it behind her head as she continued to vomit.

"I'm ok, I'm ok. Thanks baby." She said in response to her husband attempting to stand up but holding the right side of her stomach as she did.

"Are you sure? Kim I know when you're in pain and I know when something is up. I haven't seen you throw up like that not even when we've been hung over or when you were pregnant with Dani." Adam said rubbing her back soothingly.

"Yeah I'm fine, it's probably those tacos I quickly picked up for lunch yesterday I said I felt a little queasy after." Kim said.

"Honey, if it's food poisoning you gotta stay home you're probably gonna be sick most of the day." Adam clarified.

"No I can't Voight's letting me run point on the case today. I'm still one of the newest people in the unit I need to prove I can lead." Kim argued weakly and gripped onto Adam's arm to get up off of the floor.

"Hailey's newer than you and Kim you don't have to prove anything everyone trusts you. I have ever since the day I first met you and Voight definitely does otherwise you wouldn't be in the unit in the first place." Adam explained.

"I know that but Hailey has a tonne more experience than I do and is higher in rank. Its not about just proving it to everyone else it's about proving it to myself too." Kim said and moved passed him to get changed and take a few pills.

"Kim..." Adam tried to object as she walked to get ready.

"Adam I'm going I get why you're worried, but don't be I'll be ok I promise." Kim said and moved back for a few seconds to hug him. He hugged her back and reluctantly agreed to her decision to go to work.

Kim got dressed and completed the other aspects of her usual morning routine. She then moved to take her temperature; 102°F. She wasn't surprised it was the worst she had ever felt and her temp was heading towards a serious fever fast.

"I gotta go." She mumbled to herself and continued getting ready despite the persistent pain in her stomach.

She went into the kitchen and leant against the kitchen counter in pain as she went to make her and Adam's coffee.

"Hey Mom." Dani said as she walked into the kitchen. "Woah are you ok? You look a little pale?" She said getting closer to her in concern.

"I'm fine baby, ahh" She groaned in pain and touched Dani's shoulder reassuringly before moving to get the coffee mugs and collapsing.

"Mom!!! Dad! DAD!" Adam heard Dani screaming from the kitchen just as he was putting his badge and gun on.

He immediately ran out of their room and downstairs to the kitchen, where he saw Dani knelt down on the floor next to an unconscious Kim.

"Kim! Kim." Adam said trying to wake her up. He heard another painful groan she was awake but barely. "It's alright Dani, it's gonna be ok. Call Hailey tell her you're Mom's not feeling well we're on route to med and to meet us there when they can." Adam instructed and lifted Kim up walking with her to his car.

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