Chapter 2, the truth.

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I stay seated on the couch and I look back and forth from Sammy to Jack. They look like their going to kill eachother and I have no idea what to do. As soon as I open my mouth, Gilinsky interrupts me. "Bro, why don't you just go, you're drunk." "Oh please shut the fuck up, you're so fucking annoying im glad we're not friends." Jacks facial expression kind of taunts me, he looks at me and immediately calms down. "What, is that your stupid girlfriend or something now?" He laughs. "Excuse me?!?" I say and I stand up walking towards him. "You do not talk to-" He cuts me off by pushing me hard causing me to fall to the floor. My vision starts getting blurrier. I look at Jack and the last thing I see is him pulling him by shirt and throwing him on the stairs. After that, everything was a blur.
I wake up, my eyes are barely open and all I see is a white ceiling. I want to get up and see where I am but I can barely move, I don't know remember what happened all I know is sammy pushed me and I fell and that's all. "You're awake" a voice says. I look to the right and see Jack sitting in a navy blue chair. I'm not sure why he's here but I don't mind it. "What happened?" I look at him, slowly closing my eyes. It takes him a while to respond but he tells me that he beat Sam's ass, I don't know why but I find it sweet. He came to my rescue which I'm happy because I would've probably just been left there. "Thank you," I say smiling. He smiles and just looks down blushing. I did tell myself I wouldn't like him but obviously that isn't true. I move my head and sit myself up, moving the pillows around to make myself comfortable. I look at Jack who's so focused on the tv. I stare at him for a while examining his face, trying to find one flaw that he probably doesn't even have. Come on, he's perfect no wonder every girl in the school likes him. I just wish he wasn't the biggest fuckboy in the school and didn't go around from girl to girl. I hear the door open and I look and see the doctor with a clipboard. "You can go home now, you should rest though." I nod my head, "is my mother here?" I say. "Im sorry no she is not, she said she had a meeting." I look at Jack who looks at me almost as if he feels bad for me. I don't see the big deal, we never really communicate either way. I slowly get up from the bad, looking at my arm which is very bruised, almost purple. Jack walks over to me, gathering his things and holding the door for me, he's sweet.
it's been a couple months now, since the whole sammy situation I guess you could call it that. Jack and I have been hanging out almost every day, since it is summer, thank god. We've been getting along really well and I think we might start dating soon, I hope. I was straightening my hair and my phone vibrated. Jack Gilinsky- Text message. I slide it to check what it says, "Sorry I can't make it to dinner.. I have an important family reunion to go to and I completely forgot. We can reschedule." My mood changed instantly and it felt as if I got stabbed in the stomach. I really wanted to hang out with him and he was even looking forward to it. Maybe he's lying, I don't know but I'll find out.
-- A couple hours passed --
The time read 7:13 pm, I was sitting thinking of reasons of why Jack just canceled out of nowhere. I reach for my phone and go to my contacts. I find Jack Johnson and call him. Me and him have been really close because of Jack and he's very easy to talk to which I love. I wait as the phone rings and his innocent voice picks up.
"Hey Sav! What u up to?" It's almost as if I can see him smiling through the phone, he never seems to be sad.
"Hey..uh do you know where Jack is?"
He tells me that he's at a family reunion, but I don't seem to buy it.
"J, tell me the truth. please."
I finish the last word with shakiness in my voice. I hear Jack sigh into the phone and clear his throat.."He really is with his fam-" suddenly I hear a familiar laugh in the background of the phone. I freeze, I don't know what to say but I know, that Johnson knew I heard that laugh, that same laugh that came from the one and only, Jack Gilinsky. My head was throbbing, I started thinking of the many things he could be doing, what if he's with a girl hooking up, I mean I know we're not together but I can't handle the fact that he could be with another girl that isn't me. "Where are you, tell me right now." I scream into the phone. "It's best if you stay home." Before I could say anything the phone clicks off. There's only one person who could be at that party, i dial the number and wait for him to pick up. "Hel-" he says but I cut him off, "Sammy tell me where you are right now, I need the address to the party you're at." Luckily instead of babbling on and on, he tells me it. I put on shorts and a cropped shirt and sprint down the stairs. I grab my keys and walk to the car, not even putting my seatbelt on I just drive.
I finally get there, the house is huge, cars scattered in the street. I get out the car and walk inside the garage and into the house. I walk in and smell the weed, alcohol, and it suffocates me but I don't care at the moment. I look around going from person to person asking for Jack Gilinsky but nobody seems to know..morons. I finally spot johnson, drinking his ass away. I pull his shirt, and his facial expression changed in .2 seconds when he saw me. "Why the fuck would you lie about Jack being at his family reunion when he fucking isn't ?!?" I scream into his fragile yet delicate face. He stutters, "I-I- yo-you.. really don't wanna be here." I raise my eyebrows and wiggle them up and down. "J, wheres Gilinsky?" He sips into his drink for a long time, and I know he's hiding something since he's been chugging the drink. I roll my eyes and cross my arms waiting for a damn answer. "Tell me right fucking now." I pull his collared shirt into the wall. He points to the stairs, and so I head there. My heart is racing, what could be going on up there. There's about 4 doors and Gilinsky has to be in one of them. I open one door and he's not in there. 3 left. I open the next one and there's people playing spin the bottle, none of them are Gilinsky. 2 left. I breathe deeply, frozen. Maybe Jack was right, I shouldn't have came. I should just leave.. but what if he's in there. I need to find out what he's hiding. I turn the knob slowly, and open the door. I walk over to the bed, and there he is. With a fucking nother girl. I can't tell her face, it's unidentified. "What the fuck" I scream. Jack turns around and so does the girl. My jaw drops, it's Nicole, my bestfriend who I've known since fucking elementary. My jaw starts trembling, tears are running down my cheeks. "Savannah, please let me explain." I stare at him. He really is a fuckboy. "What the hell?!? There's nothing to explain." He looks down; I'm so aggravated. My blood is at the boiling point. "It's okay, you can have her I hope you don't fuck her over like you did with me." I raise down the stairs, losing my balance almost falling but I don't even care. My vision is so blurry since there's tears in my eyes. I feel so used, betrayed. I can't believe this happened how could he do that. I get into the car, slamming my hands into the horn. Everyone's staring at me but I don't care, I just want to run away, drive away and never come back.

I look at the door and see Johnson running towards me. I stare at him and unroll the window. "Well, thank you for lying to me. Now I know I can never trust you." I speed down the street, at this point I don't even care if I get into an accident, I just want to die. He played me, he used me like I was a damn toy. This is all bullshit, I trusted him I fell for him. Now I know that, that was a damn mistake.

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