Chapter Ten: Lazaras' Rules

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Things have changed. I can tell. Sometimes I catch my mind wondering things, Scary things.  Things that I would never in my life had ran through my mind.

Things Like me and the King togehter. I dont even know why I would think of anything like that, Dispite the obivious of me being a pesant and him a king there were two other things for me to consider.

One. He is White and I am black.

Two. He is white and I am black.

But the way he had been treating me was almost caring. And ever time I think about him my whole body warm up.

I gasped in shock when I felt arms wrap around me.

"Are you thinking about me?"he asked.

"This has to stop right now Laz- my king. Right now." I said.

"What had to stop right now." He asked.

"This. The kisses. The touches under the table. The looks of lust. All of it must stop. You are the king. And I am not you cumcubine nor will I decide to be. I will not be reduced to that." I said.

"No one is asking you to be my cumcubine but don't you think out of all that we have been through that you should at least get a little happiness." He asked.

"I don't care what people think but I will be damned if I let people spread rumors about me that aren't true and I turn around and make them true. I am not a whore and you are not about to turn me into one." I said.

He sighed and shook his head like a disappointed father.

"I know what you are trying to do. I know you too well. Just like you know me. You are afraid of the way you feel towards me because its new to you. And so you are trying to make me mad so that I wont persue you. But it won't work." He said.

I threw my hands up in the air and began to walk away to think to myself but he didn't get the memo.

He walked along side me and I groan out in anger.

"You just don't get it do you. You are black and I am white. I am not about mix okay. In less words I like my coffee black." I said.

"Well my lady a little creme never hurt anyone." He said with a smirk.

"I can't deal with this right now. You sir are a pain in the butt and I'm not about to listen to you." I said.

"You always did know what to say to turn me on." He said.

"Stop saying stuff like that. A maid or staff can hear you and then I will never be able to live outside these gates without being called the kings summer fling." I snapped.

"Who said it would be a fling." He asked.

I shook my head and looked at him as though he free another head.

"Unbelievable. I wonder if her royal highness dropped you on your head and your brain just list off irrational things. You should get that checked out." I said.

"Darling you are quite comical." He smiled.

"Don't call me that." I snapped out.

"What? Darling?  Okay. How about dearest? Love? Baby? Mi amore?" He asked.

"Secret will be just fine." I growled out.

I turned the corner and played with the petals of the purple and white flowers.

"But that just won't do now will it? You are quite the challenge. That's what I love about you." He said.

"Don't you dare say that word to me again." I snapped.

"Why? Am I getting under your skin because you know you feel something for me. Something you aren't suppose to feel." He asked.

"This us something that happens to a story character. Not real life. I need to get out of here as soon as possible." I mumbled top my self.

"You weren't complaining when I kissed you that day in your room. As a matter of fact you liked it." He said.

"I...... was inad daze. I didn't know what i was doing." I said.

He looked at me and gave me a wink that had my cheeks burning.

"What did you do to Leon?" I asked to change the subject.

But I think I like the other topic because his eyes darken and the anger was clear in his features. The hard set in his jaw tightened painfully hard. And his eyes narrowed dangerously.

"I haven't decided his punishment but it will be something very hurtful and possibly fatal. If he lives through eBay I will plan he will never touch you again for as long as he lives in this life or the next."he said.

I tilted my head to the side in confusion.

"Why do you care what he did to me. He is your cousin. I am but a woman that disobeys your commands. And a black woman at that." I said.

"You know I am tired of you telling me what color you are. I Can See. And I Don't Know Why It Is Important." He growled.

"Why? You made the law and you get mad at me when I throw it back in your face. You shouldn't have enforced it so much." I said.

"I can still eliminate it Secret,"he said.

"For what. Other people. That is nice of you my lord." I said.

He laughed again and wrapped me in his arms.

"You are so funny. And that was cute but let us not play dumb anymore. You know there is an attraction between us and toy want to ignore it but all its going to end up is one big rush of lust. And you know it. So lets act like two adults that know we like each other and want to make love over and over and over again." He said.

I looked at him and clenched my hands into fists. Okay so maybe I do like him. Maybe when I was in that coma I was thinking about being with him and all that fairytale stuff.

Maybe just maybe I was thinking about being under him and making love to him but that don't mean that I want to. No it doesn't. Well.....okay it does but I won't act on it.

Of course he was such a- never mind.

"Rather I want to make love to you or not has no relevance. I will not act out my thoughts. They are just thoughts. I might disobey you directly but I still obey your rules." I said.

Before I could react to anything he smashed his lips into mine catching me off guard. His warm moist lips moves up and down on mine successfully knocking the wind out of me.

When he finally did pull away I was panting and he placed his lips on my neck nibbling and sucking the flesh.

I gasped sharply completely shocked by the fact that the sensations that ran through my body felt so good. It was almost so good that I wanted more.

Maybe I did want more of him.

He pulled away and took my lips again. This time he trusted his tongue into my mouth making love to my lips. Tasting me thoroughly.

I let out a throaty moan and when he pulled away I was light headed from passion. Passion I had no idea was real.

"How is that for your romances. Now here are your rules. You will look through your clothes and fibd a nice dress. You will put it to the side and you will act like we are two consenting adults who want to be together because that is what we are. And. Then sometime this week I am going to take you on a date. And you will love it." He growled against me lips and looked at me expectantly.

All I could possibly do was nod and he smiled before pecking my lips once more.

Becoming His Nuebian Queen ( An interracial romance)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें