Chapter Three:Ignoring His Royal Wishes

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"Will you just sing for me?!" He yelled.

I stared back at him and rolled my eyes. He threw his hands up in the air and groaned.

"No." I said.

"What do I have to do to get you to sing for me.?" He asked.

"Ask me nicely." I said.

"Will you please sing for me?" He asked.

"No."I said.

He narrowed his eyes and I smiles sweetly at him.

"What was the point of me asking if you were going to decline anyway?" He asked.

"To show you that you can't demand everything you want. You have to ask. Just because you are king doesn't mean you automatically get respect. You have to earn it." I said.

He looked at me and the anger that was once there vanished and was replaced with interest.

"And you think you can teach me this. I would love to become a student of your many talents." He said as his eyes roamed my body from the top to the bottom.

"You are beyond help my King. There is absolutely no hope for you." I said.

"Awww. You are giving up in me so easily? Now that's doesn't show that you care." He said.

"Because I don't." I said.

I rolled my shoulders and pushed open the doors to the royal garden. I have been coming here for the week I've lived here. And each day he demands that I sing for him.

Instantly as my foot stepped over the threshold my muscles relaxed and my anger and annoyance subsided.

"You are unbelievable Secret." He said and I froze.

Something in me felt different. Changed even. The sound of my name on his lips was different. Being a woman of two decades and a half (25) I've known a lot about feelings if the hear as well aw the body. But this was entirely different.

I looked up to see him in front of me. I stared into his blue eyes and he looked shocked which made me snatch my gaze from his.

I took a step back into the shadows and looked up at him.

"Do you ever wish?" He asked.

"I am human and I'm not rich. Of course I wish." I said.

"I have a wish. And you can help me." He said.

"Let me guess. Toy want me to sing for you. Nice try your highness. But you will have to try a little harder next time." I said.

"No. My wish is only for you. I wish to kiss me." He said.

I stood there flabbergasted. His statement took me for a loop in my common sense. He threw me completely off guard.

He leaned forward. My breath stopping. My heart pounding. I could almost taste him. Until like a back up regenerator my senses boosted up and I steppes back with a hard glare.

"Nice try your highness but I'm not so niave to think you actually want to kiss me. I remember the bet like it was yesterday. And it was a challenge you wanted. So a challenge you will get." I said and turned away.

Becoming His Nuebian Queen ( An interracial romance)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant