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Pursing her lips in the mirror Mila admired the makeup she had just finished painting on her face.

Enthusiastically jumping to her wardrobe she began to ponder over the two dresses that were picked out before school.

Pink or silver?
Pink or silver?
Pink or silver........

Finishing up her thoughts Mila unhooked the mini silver dress, the sparkles glimmering in the sun which was escaping through the gapped blinds.

A faint knock came from her door followed by Mila's brother Opie.

'What are you doing?' Furrowing his eyebrows he began to question the petite girl in front of him.

'Getting ready obviously, what does it look like?' She rolled her eyes at her brother trying to rush him out back out of the door.

She understood his confusion, there was nowhere to go according to her own friday night plans, her older brother Opie's party sounded much more appealing then staying home alone bored.

'If you're getting ready for what I think you're getting ready for - you're not invited.' Annoyance laced in the tall boys voice.

'Well mums on one of her many trips away as you know and I'm sure dad wouldn't approve of you leaving me all by myself' Her puppy dog eyes were in full swing now as she tried to convince the older boy to let her gate crash his plans.

'You're 17 and home alone all the time Mila stop being so stupid. The answers no.'

'Well it's a good job Brady said he was free tonight, at least I won't be completely bored.' Mila knew her words would annoy Opie, he hated the boy for many reasons which obviously just made his little sister hang out with him more.

A simple shake of the head and a groan was his signal that she wasn't going to see Brady.

'Well dads not here and you're at that party she no one is here to stop me it looks like.' The smugness surrounded her voice.

'You have five minutes Mila, if you're not ready we're going without you.'

He admitted defeat as she began to beam with joy, already peeling off the jeans she wore to school to replace with the much more appealing dress.

'Why?!' Confusion flashes upon Jax's face as a dressed up Mila made herself comfy in his car.

'Don't act like you don't love seeing me' A cheeky smirk appeared on the girls face as both boys frowned at her response. 

Jax continued looking at Opie searching for an answer to his question.

'Well it was either come with us or go to Brady.' Jax instantly understood why the youth was tagging along after Brady's name was mention.

Neither of them liked Brady at all, in fact they despised him. He was an older boy who constantly messed about with Mila and her emotions but she for some reason kept going back for more. They both felt they had a duty to protect her and would do at any cost. But she understood where they were coming from, a 17 year old gatecrashing a party with her 21 year old brother and his best friend wasn't the most ideal situation in most peoples life's.

Once they arrived Mila was quick to rush into the house where the party was hosted much to her protective watchers dismay. They began to follow her around like a puppy, watching her each and every move.

'Are you going to do this all night, because it's very uncomfortable having two stalkers.' She grew tired of their peering eyes when all she wanted to do was have fun.

The smell of alcohol surrounded the room which was surprisingly still in good condition considering the mass of sweaty bodies stumbling around the room. Everyone welcomed the trio as they wandered the room looking for a place to settle. Pretty much everyone in Charming knew of these three, much to Mila's dismay. It never bothered the older boys in fact most the time they thrived off the attention.

Music blasted around the room vibrating in the youngsters ears as she approached a group of dancing youths.

'I can't believe I even brought her here, should've just stayed home with her.' Opie struggled to enjoy the atmosphere as his beady eyes cast upon his little sisters every move, observing everyone who spoke to her or even looked in her direction.

Opie had seen the dangers of the world, the club had introduced him into a whole world of darkness and he'd never want Mila to know the same life. She knew to some extent about SAMCRO but she barely knew the half of it.

Striding over to the boys were a tall and slim blonde came into sight, instantly taking an attraction to Opie and flirting with him.

'Hey you go man, I've got my eye on Mila' As soon as that was said Opie raced off with the mystery girl, he knew Jax would look after Mila. Jax and Opie have always been best friends since childhood and trusted either with their lives, so it was no worry to Opie that his sister wasn't in good hands.

'Hey, try this.' Happily a boy approached Mila from behind offering her a red cup with a unknown liquid in, probably nothing sinister but that didn't stop Jax from interjecting, besides she wasn't even close to being old enough yet.

'Hey asshole, I don't think so.' Jax darted over and slammed the cup out of his hand, a threatening look shadowing his face. 'Do you know how old she is?!'

'Sorry man, didn't know she was with you!' Scrambling for the right words to say the intimidated boy took this as his invitation to leave.

'Wow, not embarrassing at all!' Crimson flushes her cheeks as she hid beneath her hair in embarrassment just causing Jax to chuckle annoyingly.

'You have no idea what's in that cup.'

'Hopefully poison next time, now leave me alone.' She pushed past the smirking jerk desperate to get away.

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