Chapter 6 - Boyfriend

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  • Dedicated to Simmy Su

Niall's PoV

I fell down on the bed, wonderstruck as ever. I kissed Skylie. It was absolutely sensational. Now if only I can make her go out with me and be my girlfriend.

Skylie's PoV

School. I'm happy, REALLY HAPPY. The kiss...that was shared between Niall and I was in fact my first kiss. But it wasn't like the first kiss I've ever imagined. It was better than perfect. 

I'm wearing a simple hot pink long sleeved shirt with polka dots, skinny jeans and uggs when I'm practically skipping down the hallway and I bump into the eight of 'them' or AKA One Direction's sisters.

"Oh my gosh. No. What happened?" Chrismy asked mockingly.

"What?" I said, confused.

"YOU'RE SO HAPPY! I never saw you so happy before," Chrismy added.

"What happened?" Kacie asked in her 'serious' tone while leaning on some lockers, cross-armed.

"Nothing." I blushed.

"Oh well. I think I already know. Anyways, we've all got a surprise for you after school. Meet us at 'our' lockers." Lacie offered.

"I'm not so sure about this." I confessed.

"You're not sure about anything." chuckled Katherine.

"You have to come or we will force you." they all said in unison. It seemed so creepy. All of them with their different coloured eyes staring into yours. Whoa.

"Okay...I hope this is good..." I said as I slammed my locker door.

The next hours seemed like forever. Class after class. Waiting for after school is BORING. Well obviously, it's freakin' school. Man I don't like this...


"Class dismissed."

I saw Niall sprinting out of class. Why was he in a rush? I quickly walked to 'our' lockers and saw all eight of them with wide grins that lit up their faces. In one swift motion, my sight went completely black. They blindfolded me.

"Don't worry, just walk forward," Sim reassured.

I crashed into a pole. Yeah, great navigating Sim the Great...

"Where are we?" I shouted as I clumsily walked forward.

"SKYLIE!" called a very familiar voice.

"Louis? What?" I'm so lost. Help.

"Sit down." offered three familiar voices. Harry? Liam? Zayn? They eased me down on cold concrete floor as they took the blindfold off.

I saw the eight of my friends sitting on the grass surrounding me, with them - Harry, Louis, Zayn and Liam. Smiles spread all over their faces. And in front of me, Niall had a guitar in his arms and his smile as wide as ever.

"This song is dedicated to the one and only Skylie." Niall grinned. So cheesy as always.

He started rapping a common song that he (apparently) really likes.

If I was your boyfriend I'd never let you go, I can take you places you never been before. Baby take a chance or you'll never ever know, I got money in my hands that I really like to blow.

It was so funny watching and listening him rap so I was just on the floor and laughing my butt off. The others were so happy. Niall was satisfied so he kept on singing - I MEAN - rapping but he remixed it and made it his own.

Swag, swag, swag on Lou, chilling by the fire Niall eating fondue. Harry knows about me, Liam know about you so say hello to DJ Malik in three, two, FLICK.

He flicked his hair and I just looked at him blankly. And I started laughing. It was so cute, hilarious and actually good at the same time that I didn't know what to do so I just literally rolled on the floor laughing. Suddenly, I felt hands wrapping around my waist and lift me up. I couldn't feel the floor anymore so I started panicking and screaming. I looked up and saw the eyes that met mine.

"Skylie Vanatesia, will you be my girlfriend?" smiled Niall, his grin as wide as ever with me in his arms.

"Hmmmmmmmm..." I teased. "Let me think about it..." He kissed me. Lips that touched mine send tingles down my spine. It rhymes.

"Does that help you decide?" Niall joked.

"Yesh." I confessed. "It was obvious from the start." I winked at him. Everyone started clapping and I threw my arms around his neck and starting kissing him. It was perfect. Again. Until...


The flash blinded us. No. Not the paparazzi. Help.

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