Chapter Seventeen - Only Human

Start from the beginning

I walk up to Cyborg and place my hand on his shoulder. "You still can," Robin says.

"My muscles are mechanical now," Cyborg counters. "Limits are built in. No matter how hard I try, a hundred percent is all I've got."

Robin looks up again at Cyborg. "I didn't know."

"Well, now you do." Cyborg cautiously moves my hand away and leaves down the hall. Robin doesn't move, but my legs chase after him.

"Cyborg, I'm so sorry," I say. "I didn't know either."

Cyborg gives me a remorseful smile. "It's okay. No one did."


    I walk into the main quarters and stare up at the screen, where two robots are fighting. The other Titans stand by the door, and I join them as they stare at the half metal boy on the couch in concern.

    "Whoa," Beast Boy comments. "And I thought Raven looked grumpy." Raven grimaces at the comment and I fight the urge to point her reaction out to the shapeshifter.

    "Our friend is more dismal than the swamp moons of Mulwark," Starfire points out. "Measures must be taken."

    "What measures?" I ask, my voice relaying urgency. "Starfire, what measures?" She doesn't hear me, and when I look up she's right behind a grouchy Cyborg.

    "To replenish your heart with warmness and cheer, I offer a traditional Tamaranean folk song." Starfire claps her hands together and begins to scream at the top of her lungs. I crash into Robin as I sink to my knees and protect my ears, and don't bother to shoot him a sorry look until it's over.

    The singing ends early, as it quickly enrages Cyborg. "STARFIRE, CUT IT OUT!" he roars, taking the alien girl aback. The game plays a sound, announcing the opponent as the winner, and Cyborg growls at the Starfire, who smiles innocently and walks back to us.

    Next, Beast Boy steps in front of the Titan, holding a cookie. "Okay, dude. Keep your eye on the cookie." Beast Boy throws it in his mouth, turns into a whale to spit it out, then to an elephant to suck it back in, and finally back to human form to reveal it sitting on his tongue. "Ta-da!"

Cyborg reaches a state of anger where he might as well have steam pouring out his ears, as he grabs Beast Boy by the head and throws him behind his back to our feet. "You're supposed to laugh!" Beast Boy states. "What do I have to do, make it fly out my—?"

    "Let me try," Raven interrupts. She walks up to Cyborg and opens her mouth to talk. "Uh..."

    "I don't want to talk about it," Cyborg says, blasting her back with a sonic cannon.

    She stands up slowly, brushing herself off beside me. "I tried."

    Starfire reappears, holding an alien instrument similar to bagpipes. "Tamaranean folk songs are even more cheerful when accompanied by the gorka pipes," she states.

    Robin intervenes before I can. "Uh, Starfire! Maybe he just needs some time alone. Come on, guys." He ushers the three Titans out whilst I stare cautiously at the infuriated teen. I walk to the kitchen and get out some chocolate and butter, setting it on the stove.

    "Aw, you picked the wrong day to come online and mess with Cyborg!" the Titan says, his voice resigning to a mutter for the next sentence. "'Least I can still push myself in cyberspace." The game emits more sound and Cyborg jumps out of his seat, still not noticing me. "Boo-yah! I don't know who you are or where you're from, but, Atlas, I just kicked your virtual butt!" He begins to dance, and Beast Boy throws a blanket over his shoulders before disappearing again. "Go, Cyborg! Yo, Cy!"

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