Part 2

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"Are you sure that was Yoongi hyung's sweater?" Jimin asked from where he was rubbing Hoseok's back.

Hoseok curled up into Jimin's side. Taehyung had initiated a code red in their trio immediately after witnessing Hoseok's state when he arrived back into the apartment.

And a code red resulted in an ungodly amount of blankets and snacks and warm hot chocolates, all of Hoseok's favorite movies plugged into the tv and his two best friends squished up next to him. Jimin on one side and Taehyung on the other.

He really loved his best friends. Jimin and Taehyung.

But it was hard to focus on that when his heart was breaking into a million pieces.

"Yeah. I'm sure." Hoseok sniffed, "Yoongi said that the sweater I sewed for him was his treasure. That's what he said when I gave it to him. He put it on right then and there like he couldn't wait. But then the second I turn around he gives it away because he can't stand to look at it any longer. I bet he was so embarrassed..." Hoseok's voice broke near the end.

"Hey, I think you're jumping to conclusions Hobi hyung." Taehyung tried gently from next to him, holding Hoseok from behind and nuzzling into his shoulder. "Maybe it was just a misunderstanding?"

"I asked Jungkookie if that was his sweater. He didn't even think anything of it, he just shrugged and said, "I'm wearing it, aren't I?'"

"What an asshole." Jimin mumbled.

Hoseok shook his head, "No, he's not. And I don't know what's worse. The fact that Jungkookie is the one that Yoongi loves, or that Jungkookie was so nice to me. He's literally an angel. I couldn't hate him even if I tried."

"Maybe you should talk to Yoongi hyung about it? Ask him why Jungkook was wearing his sweater that he said he loved so much?" Taehyung asked.

Jimin pouted. His glasses sliding down his nose slightly, "And risk our Hobi hyung's heart getting broken even more?"

Taehyung sighed, reaching over to push Jimin's glasses back up gently, "Yeah, you're right. It might be best to keep your distance for awhile Hobi hyung. Just until you can heal a bit from this."

"I can't heal from this!" Hoseok tried not to snap, falling more into his friends embrace, "There is no healing, I'm in love with The Min Yoongi. I can't get over that...I can't just get over that..."

"Oh, Hobi hyung." Jimin sighed, brushing Hoseok's hair back.

"Besides," Hoseok continued, "I'm his fan. I can't just disappear." Hoseok spoke, trying not to allow the tears to weigh down his voice.

He was his fan, before anything else, Hoseok was Yoongi's fan.

Which is why the very next day he showed up at their cafe. It's why Hoseok sat in his usual seating with Jimin and Taehyung by his side as he watched and cheered Yoongi on. As if his heart wasn't breaking on this inside.

Some things are meant to be

Take my hand, Take my whole life, too

For I can't help falling in love with you

Yoongi sang with his usual, lovely low voice. A deep rumble in the air that held Hoseok's heart and painted his vision in the most beautiful of colors.

But along with the comfort of Yoongi's voice, came a deep sword that etched black, dark carvings over the painting of Yoongi's song in Hoseok's heart. And for a moment, Hoseok thought that Yoongi was cruel.

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