Part 1

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note: this story references a few songs so i made a few playlists for them!

the first 7 songs will be referenced in the story~





Hoseok was tucked away into his small corner of the coffee shop sitting at the table by the window that he'd claimed as his own every Tuesday night.

He had his textbook out and open, an array of colorful highlighters and pens scattered across the wooden surface. But the text went unread as Hoseok sighed into the palm of his hand, watching the man who took up the coffee shop's makeshift stage, sitting on a barstool in front of the microphone as he strummed his guitar in a melody that wrapped around Hoseok. Warming him more than the beige sweater that was drowning his figure.

Hoseok watched, lost in the moment as he wondered how it would feel to hold those hands that were strumming the guitar in such complex and soothing patterns, if his hands would feel rough and calloused against Hoseok's smooth and dainty—

"Earth to Hoseok." Jimin teased, chuckling as he waved his hand in front of Hoseok's face, "You're zoning out again hyung."

"Oh, am I?" Hoseok asked, he sounded far away, he knew that. But he couldn't help it, couldn't tear his gaze away from the guitarist on stage.

"He's going to notice you if you keep staring at him like that."

Hoseok whipped his head around, "No he's not! Don't tease me like that Minie. Why in the world would The Min Yoongi notice some random fan like me?"

"Well, considering he's playing a small gig at a coffee shop every Tuesday night. I'd go out on a limb and say he doesn't have too many fans." Jimin spoke, pushing his glasses further up the bridge of his nose.

Taehyung nodded from where he was highlighting something in his textbook, "Yeah, I think he just likes playing guitar. This is just a side thing for him, hyung. The fact that you're a fan already makes you stand out."

Hoseok scrunched up his nose, "You all have no faith." He spoke before returning his gaze back to the man playing the guitar. If he listened closely enough, Hoseok could hear him humming softly into the microphone. "If he really doesn't have any fans...then consider me his first one. His biggest fan."

"Whipped." Taehyung mumbled under his breath, earning an elbow to the ribs from Jimin. "Anyway," Jimin started, "You should go up there and talk to him after his set is over Hobi hyung. You've been dragging our asses to this coffee shop every Tuesday night for at least two months now, he knows who you are whether you like it or not."

Hoseok moved to take the coffee on the table and bring it up to his lips, a feign attempt to hide his bashful smile, "No he doesn't."

"You sure about that?" Taehyung grinned, looking at something beyond Hoseok. Jimin's expression mirroring Taehyung's own.

Hoseok raised a brow at that, noticing briefly that the music had stopped, "Yes...? Why would—"


Hoseok yelped. Jumping at least a good foot up off of his chair as he spun around with wide eyes.

Min Yoongi.

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