Having fun?

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Having fun? Jealous!Bakugou X FemReader

You and Katsuki had been dating for four months now and it was his birthday. You planned a birthday bash! The whole class would be here even The Deku squad. Mina bounded over to you Kaminari in tow. "We set up the decorations!" Mina said. You nodded not looking up from your clipboard.

A tap on your shoulder brought your attention to Jirou who was putting together the music. You followed her to the speakers and directed her to the right playlist she thanked you and you waved her off.

 You looked back to your trusty clipboard. Food. Wasn't Momo doing that? You looked over to see her setting platters of spicy foods. Even the cupcakes were hot sauce flavored.

You clenched your clipboard and huffed. Why wasn't the delivery here yet? Your gift to Katsuki was supposed to be here yesterday! Just then you got a message on your phone. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN LOST IN SHIPPING!" You screeched. 

Every one flinched. They all knew it was best to back up during one of your rages. It was one of the reasons Katsuki fell for you. You are fiery and dangerous when provoked.

Your rage can even rival Katsuki. You calmed yourself and slowly stopped your hair from catching fire. You had quirk called demon. Your h/c hair would turn onto a f/c blaze. Your horns would elongate and sharpen. Your fangs and claws grew too. 

Your eyes would become flaming pools of F/c and f/c flames would surround you as your f/c wings lit aflame as well. It was truly a terrifying sight.

You smiled and turned to your classmates. "Sorry about that guys! Luckily I stopped myself! " You said way too cheerfully. Izuku nodded and gulped. 

The rest of the class quickly scrambled to get back to what they were doing. Just then a knock. The whole class stopped and looked to you. You grinned and sauntered to the door and swung it open.

Mineta sat there. Welp that's enough. In a blaze you were floating above Mineta. "WHO INVITED YOU!!?" You yelled at the shivering grape. "Calm down Y/n." A voice said. 

You looked down to see Katsuki in A white t shirt and a black leather jacket he had a hat on backwards. His eyes closed and chomping down on bubblegum.

You instantly returned normal and landed on your feet.You walked over to him and kissed him on the cheek. "Impeccable Timing. I was just about carbonize him." You said. He wrapped an arm around your waist.

"If he ever touches you ill be the one doing the carbonizing." He said. You laughed. "If I haven't went Demon yet." You said bringing a hand to your mouth and giggling.

Katsuki growled playfully and bit your ear lightly. "Get a room!" Kirishima yelled laughing. "Shut up Shitty hair!" He said releasing you and marching over to Kiri sparks emitting from his fists. 

You sighed. Katsuki stopped when he saw the decorations. He turned full 360 and looked at you. "We weren't ready yet." You explained walking over to him. He rolled his crimson eyes.

"I told you I don't want a party." He said. "Aww Katsu! Don't be like that I bought a party out fit and everything!" You pouted. He perked up at that. "Go put it on." He said. You nodded and hurried away to your dorm.

You steped into the common area and the whole class stopped their chatting. All eyes were on you in your Crimson dress. It was just above the knee and was heart top with no straps. Katsuki stared at you. You walked over to him. "You like it?" You asked twirling causing the dress to flow up a bit.

"I don't think I'll be able to restrain myself." He growls in your ear. You giggled. "Y/N!" Kaminari yelled. You broke away from Katsuki and ran to the electric blonde. 

Katsuki watched you leave with narrowed eyes. You got to Kaminari and saw that he had gotten cupcakes all over the floor and himself. You rolled your eyes. "Take off your shirt and hand it to me." You said.

"Okay then." He said slyly. You whacked him on the head. He handed you the shirt which you used to clean up the frosting mess. Afterwards you shoved his shirt back at him. And walked off huffing about having to be away from your boyfriend.

You returned to the couch where you were sitting to find him gone. You sighed and went back to the kitchen. You grabbed A cupcake and chomped down viciously. Tokoyami walked up to you. "Are you alright L/n?" He asked.

"I'm fine." You said through gritted teeth. "You are clearly not." He said. You sighed heavily. "Its just I worked really hard on this party so I could spend time with Katsuki. But he must be upset because he just poof! Disappeared." You said making a poof motion with your hand letting a small f/c flame dance.

He smiled. well as well as he could with a beak. "He's probably just tired. He was at the gym all day." He said. "Tch Yeah Right." Katsuki's voice said from behind you. 

You whipped around. "Katsu! Where do you go off to?" You asked. "I had to take A piss." He said rolling his eyes. You laughed. Tokoyami observed the scene with jealousy. He loved you but you loved Bakugou.

Katsuki looked at the bird headed boy. "Why are you still here?" He growled. Dark Shadow popped out and smiled widely at you. "Hi Y/N!" He said. Katsuki set off an explosion sending Dark shadow back to Tokoyami who then bid you a goodbye and scurried away. You sighed. "Katsuki?" You said. "Hm" he replied scowling like usual.

You rolled your eyes and kissed him which causes him to stumble a bit. "You know I love you." You said staring onto your boyfriends crimson eyes.

 He looked away and nodded pouting. You giggled at him and pushed him causing him to sit on the stool behind him. His face broke in surprise and you laughed at his expression.

He blushed a bit. It was cute you only got this side of him. No one else even knew that Katsuki Bakugou had a softie side. You kissed him on the cheek. Then You heard a scream. Mina? What had your pink skinned friend done this time? You looked at Katsu apologeticly and went towards the sound.

You surveyed the scene unfolding before you with a look of utter bewilderment. Kaminari was short circuited on the floor and Mina was playing with a green spider and screaming as Eiko (my Oc who is deathly afraid of spiders) threw a chair at it. Meanwhile Jiro was trying desperately to keep Space unicorns from playing on repeat. And Momo was trying to get Kodas rabbit to stop eating the jalapeno salads. Chaos was ensuing everywhere and the party was trashed.

Your eye twitched and your flames sparked up. The whole room went silent as the crackling sound of your flames grew to a deafening roar. 

You took a deep breath. And Exploded. Momo had made a fire proof blanket and Shoto was icing the room down. Everyone huddled behind Momos blanket.

You sat there aflame for a dead minute. Before Bakugou appeared behind you. "K-kacchan get back! She's gonna.." Izuku warned. "Shut it Deku." He said. Upon hearing his voice your flames fired down a bit and your eyes went normal you turned around and his lips crashed into yours. 

{A/No wasn't sure hoe to end this one but I'm really proud of the quirk and I'm might make an OC from it.}

Love From Bnha. One shots!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora