dragon caretaker

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Dragon Caretakers have been around since some of the first Dragon Riders. Their job is to keep care of dragons who weren’t on missions, dragons who ‘lost’ their riders, baby dragons that were too young to be helpful for their riders, and to watch over the eggs that haven't hatched yet. The Dragon Caretakers have one place where all of them live to keep care of dragons, and its top floor is thousands of feet above the ground. It is held up by multiple floors that are reinforced with magic. There were tons of floors, each with a different use. Sadly, 12-50 Dragon Caretakers die a year from attacks on the temple and from the dragons they care for. To become a Dragon Caretaker you have to have been sold by your parents and raised there. 

There was a boy, born without a name, sold to the Dragon Caretakers and raised there as a servant. He could never learn how to talk because of a grey crystal in the back of his neck that marked him as a servant but he understood basic commands. He was part of the lower floor and only cleaned the bottom levels, the lowest job you could get and everyday felt as though he was on a loop. Well, that was, until one day…

That day the boy was cleaning the lower level rooms when he heard a shout on the coms. The same shout that happens at the same time every day, like clockwork, it was break time. Even though it was only 3 hours out of his 22-hour workday, it was good enough for him. He walked up the stairs for an hour and past the landing deck, he then got to one of the top floors. The top floors are for dragons but it has one room that was abandoned. He found it three years ago after he had been requested to clean one of the upper rooms for the first and only time in his life. He goes there every day at the break, the lack of people or dragons was quite soothing to him. The boy sat down by the one window in the room and watched the field hundreds of feet below. He loves sitting at this window and watching the grasslands and forest move with the wind and the clouds move across the light blue sky. He sat there with an amazed gaze, even though he’d seen this sight more than a thousand times, it never got less amazing, that something so small as the wind he had felt everyday would blow trees to the point they bent.

Suddenly shouts were heard from the landing area, people screaming bloody murder. He runs down the stairs to see a red and black female dragon, her underbelly and wing membrane were red but the rest of her was black, going crazy. Smashing carts of food and slashing at Dragon Caretakers. He felt something inside him as he watched the dragon, something compelling him to help her. He instinctively sprinted at her but as he got close she stopped him in his tracks. In one fast movement, she leaned down and grabbed his arm in her jaws and he could hear his arm start to shatter from the inside as she bit down. She then spits him on the ground and goes to crush him with her paws. He gets up and throws himself away from her claws, only dodging them by a few inches. He looked up into her dark red eyes and they looked angry and lifeless at the same time, almost like she wasn't there at all. That weird urge inside him compelled him once again to try and comfort her and he dashed at one of her legs. She sees him coming and she goes to bite him again. He rolls under her bottom jaw and runs up to her front-left leg. He then hugs her leg with his good arm, in the hope that it would calm her down. She rears back and she stares down in surprise, her eyes finally showing some life in them. She then roars in pure agony and then stares at the group of people around her as her eyes go from dark red to a light blue. Her breathing begins to slow and her eyes dilate. 

The first thing she sees are swords drawn and pointed at her. She gets confused, why was she having swords pointed at her? She looks down to see a young boy hugging her with one arm, while the other arm is severely broken and bleeding. She lifts him off her paw and lifts him to head height. He whimpers as their eyes meet. She stares at the boy, why was he scared? Why was he so hurt? His instinct told him he was going to die and to struggle but another part of him said he was going to be fine. She smelled him, she smelled the saliva and blood covering his body. She then noticed the peculiar taste of blood in her mouth and she realized what happened, She had hurt this child. She then sits down and holds him close to her chest. The feeling came back stronger in the boy and he knew he was going to be fine. He smiled and hugged her with all the strength he could manage. But as he hugged her, a cut on her chest, that wasn't long or deep, dripped a drop of blood. The drop of blood went down and dripped onto his broken arm. The tiny burn of the blood entering his bloodstream was unnoticed compared to the pain of his broken arm. Suddenly the pain he forgot was there came to him in one burst as he tried to move his arm. Tears swelled up in his eyes and he bit his lip to the point it bled. The dragon placed him on the ground and looked over the full existence of the damage. He had almost no injuries except for the broken arm. Suddenly a soldier ran up to him and grabbed him and turned him to face him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2021 ⏰

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