Homemade Cookies

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Layne was bored out of his mind. He'd tried everything to occupy his time - drawing, writing songs, listening to music, but to no avail: boredom had taken over him, and there he was, sitting on the sofa, shifting through channels.
"Why is there nothing to watch on this shitty television?" he thought out loud. Jerry looked up from the book he was reading.
"Well, you didn't want the other TV combo. This is what we got now." He said, returning to reading. Layne sighed and stood up, then walked up to the door and grabbed his jacket.
"Where are you going?" asked his boyfriend, not really caring, but curious.
Layne thought for a second. Where could he go? Not the pub, it was too early. Not the park. Then, a swift look at Jerry brought him an idea. "The bookshop," he said. "Maybe I can find something interesting to do."
Without another word, Layne opened the door and stepped out of the apartment they shared.

Though he didn't visit it much, Layne loved the bookshop. He loved the smell of new books and the warmth of the place, as well as the silence in it.
Once he arrived, he was greeted by an employee. To Layne, she was super cool - she had bright pink hair and many piercings and tattoos. She didn't look too happy in her uniform though, which consisted of a yellow shirt and a red vest along with a name tag. Despite that, she was wearing black tights and huge black combat boots that made her a few inches taller than what she really was. "Good afternoon, welcome to Underworld," she said in an emotionless tone. Layne's smile faded a bit. The girl continued. "Is there any way I can help you?"
Layne shook his head. "No, I'm alright. I'll just have a look around."
"Okay sir, bear in mind that we have a special offer on the horror aisle - buy one, get one by the same author for free," she added in the same way.
"Cool, thanks," replied Layne, stepping further into the shop. He started walking through the aisles and even considered the horror offer, but he didn't quite like the genre. He went to the Arts&Crafts aisle, thinking that he could find a new hobby, but everything was just too boring.
"Build your own bookshelf... No. Learn origami in three simple steps... No. Oil painting for beginners - that's interesting. But oil paint is too expensive for what I can afford." Frustrated, Layne put the books down and walked through endless aisles without finding anything that interested him. But then, as he started to walk his way out of the store, he saw a small bookshelf with a neon green sign that read COOKING & BAKING. He raised an eyebrow in curiosity and approached it in silence.
"Mama Becky's Kitchen, huh?" he muttered, grabbing a small, pastel pink book from the shelf. "Easy cooking and baking for the whole family." Read the book cover, in which a chubby old lady held a bowl and a wooden spoon with a big smile on her face. Layne shifted through the pages, looking at the recipes. They looked pretty easy to make and he could use some baking skills, so he decided to buy it.

Back at home, Jerry waited for Layne with dinner -if Spaghetti O's could be called a proper dinner-. As they ate, he looked curiously at the bag his boyfriend had brought in.
"What'd you get?" he said, munching on his food.
"Cookbook" answered Layne.
Jerry couldn't help but chuckle. "A cookbook? You better be joking."
"What? Anything is better than eating this shit every night" replied the blond, blushing a bit. What was wrong with him wanting to make sweet things? Did it make him less of a man to do that? Layne thought hell no.
"Hey, I heat these up with all my love for you," said Jerry, faking a broken heart. Layne laughed and swiftly kissed him on his sauce stained lips.
"I know," he chuckled, "but we need to eat better."
They finished their food in silence and Jerry did the dishes as Layne went to take a sit on the sofa, looking for a film to watch on that Tuesday night. Fortunately, he found a thriller that was just starting, and he excitedly put the remote aside. He rested his legs on the coffee table before him and made himself comfy to watch it - but just as he started to get the plot, his boyfriend was covering the screen with his body. Layne noticed he'd taken his shirt off and his eyes widened.
"Layney..." purred Jerry sweetly, taking a seat on his boyfriend's lap. Layne closed his eyes and took a deep breath in as his gorgeous partner started placing soft kisses on his neck. Jerry looked into his eyes as their breaths mixed with each other's.
"It's been a while..." he whispered. Layne nodded. "Yeah..."
And it was true - among touring, recording and rehearsals, they could barely share any type of intimacy without getting interrupted.
Jerry leaned in and in the blink of an eye they were kissing hungrily. Layne grabbed his boyfriend's ass and squeezed a bit as he ground their hips together, to which Jerry moaned out loud.
Layne forgot about the telly for that night.

Homemade Cookies [LaynexJerry]Where stories live. Discover now