Chapter 23: Reckless Emotions

Start from the beginning

“I’m Barry Allen.”

“Still doesn’t ring a bell. How did you get here? And don’t tell me it was through that blue portal thing.”

“Actually it was. I don’t know how it…”

“Hold on a second…”

This other Kara held up a finger and put her other hand to her ear. Barry knew she was listening to something or someone but could only wait and listen as she spoke again.

“Yeah, I found the source of the energy surge you detected. A man in a red suit came through it.”

There was a pause as the conversation from the blonde stopped. Barry could only surmise that whoever she was talking to was asking her a question. He was proven correct when she spoke again.

“Describe the suit? What for…never-mind. It’s a red suit, yellow or gold belt around his waist. And a white circle with a…”

“Lightning bolt across the circle.”

In seconds a man was standing next to the blonde woman and he appeared to be wearing a similar uniform to her. Blue pants and boots, a white shirt with a wide collar and a blue head covering with a red mask attached. He had arrived and all Barry felt was a rush of wind.

“Max…you know how much I hate it when you do that!”

“I’m sorry Kara, but when you began describing his suit, I knew I had to see this for myself. Greetings Flash. Welcome to Earth-2.”

“Wait…wait a minute. I’ve been to Earth-2. That Earth is the home of Harrison Wells and his daughter Jesse Wells. And Zoom.”

“You don’t know much about the multiverse, do you Flash? I bet you even think you’re from Earth-1.”

“Am I not from Earth-1?”

“We’ll get to that later. I believe introductions are in order. You’ve already met Power Girl. My name is Max Mercury.”

“Max Mercury…? Jay Garrick told me about you. Said you were from his Earth…which I guess really isn’t Earth-3…”

“No that’s Earth-3. But it’s not his original Earth. You have so much to learn, Barry.”

“How do you know my name?”

“I know everything about every speedster who has existed, or exists now. For instance, until Jay arrived on Earth-3, everything was the opposite of what you know. People you might know as heroes were villains, and the villains were heroes. The multiverse is in a constant state of flux. And it will continue to be until the Crisis occurs.”

“You know about the Crisis?”

“As I said Barry, I know...”

“Everything about every speedster. What do you know about the Crisis?”

“Only that you and your wife both have a part to play.”

“Kara? There was nothing about Kara having a part to play in the article Iris writes about me!"

While Barry and Max were arguing, Power Girl was getting overly annoyed about being left out of the conversation. She was about to interject when she heard her name mentioned by Barry again.

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