Chapter Twenty Eight

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Haisley  pov........

It has been a few hours so I decide to take a walk in the park, I told my father and brothers where I am going so they don't worry. I just parked the truck and turned it off.

I open the door of my truck, and I step out I reach for my phone I grab it. I Shut my door and lock it up. I start walking down the sidewalk that leads to the pond when my phone dings..

I look down and I see that it is, the unknown guy, I roll my eyes as I unlock my phone and I pull up his text messages.

Text Messages..

Haisley what are you doing out by yourself?

How do you....

I know everything about you doll...

Oh really?

Yes oh really...

Oh okay hot shot then tell me something...

I will gladly tell you something, I know that you had a very bad accident that left you where you can't dance right now but you love to dance. You sometimes have panic attacks, you have nightmares most night about your accident. You just want someone to love you for you and not try to change who you are. I love women that have something to hold at night. I don't like women who are brats...

How the hell do you know that?

I just do, you will know soon who I am really am

Why can't  you just tell me now?

Cause where is the mystery in that...

Ugh your impossible!

Oh I know but your fine ass loves it.

You have a big head don't you?

Maybe, but I am serious you should not be out alone beautiful.


You are in danger baby.

Are you like an  investigator?

Right now I can't  say but you need to get home right now!

Stop worrying I am fine...

No your not!

Then tell me...

Just go home!

Ugh, fine if it will make you happy..

It will..

End of text messages...

I am walking back to my truck and that is when everything goes black....

The unknown guy....

Sir, Haisley they took her when she was inches away from her truck!

" For fuck sakes !"

" We tried to save her but.."

" Save it now I have to get my girl back."

" Do you think she will know who you are when she sees you?"

" I hope so."

He nods

" Now do we know where they are taking her."

" No sir not yet."

" Fuck then get to it!"

" Yes sir."

I go to typing on my computer looking for baby there, I am fuming as can be. This shit ends not, wait until I tell her father what I found out about Colin , Bryson and his brother.

I Just hope Reese does not kill me, before I can find he daugther that I love so much. And Bryson I don't fucking like they thought they could cover up Colin with this stupid shit but little old me found it all.

It was a total shock to me when I found all of this out and those three know about it. I am about to blow them out of the water big time.

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