the one with the knights of walpurgis

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"I'd rather die on my own feet
that live on my knees."

DRACO FOUND HIMSELF unable to breathe as he huddled with Granger over the diary. He frowned. "There's nothing written here."

"Skylar enchanted it," Potter said with a disgruntled sigh. "So that only Mione can read it."

"That sneaky witch," Draco chuckled. "Granger write what she says on the paper!" he said excitedly, shoving a relative empty page of the newspaper onto Hermione's vicinity. Hermione fished out a quill and wrote back on the diary.

Who is it?

Draco watched with awe as the ink seeped through the page and disappeared. And then, nothing happened. They waited patiently—a little impatient because Potter kept tapping his feet on the floor. Then, Granger jerked. "She's writing she's—" she furrowed her eyebrows, reading. "She said 'Skylar Nova Firegold'. What do I ask?"

"Ask her some question—anything to ensure its her," Harry said. Hermione wrote again.

What did everyone at Hogwarts think you were?

"Wow," Draco said bluntly. "Be more blunt can you?"

"You ask then!" Hermione said, shoving the diary into Draco's hand. He took it contemptuously and wrote—

how did Skylar Firegold threaten Draco Malfoy the first day they met?

Granger took the diary back just as her eyes widened in amusement. "She said everyone at Hogwarts thought she was a seer and," she paused, waiting for the second reply. "And she said she'd pour ice cream on Draco Malfoy the first day they met."

"That's correct," Draco said, a feeling of elation overtaking him. He was infact talking to Skylar.

"Everyone hates you at some point," Ron pointed out. Draco rolled his eyes and chose to ignore it, taking the Diary back from Granger, writing—

Where are you? Are you okay?

They waited again as the ink soaked in. This was Dark Magic, Draco knew. And how Skylar had stumbled upon it, he had no clue. But he was proud of her technique nonetheless.

"She said, 'I am at the Malfoy Manor. Everyone thinks Draco is dead. I am alright.' What do I say now?"

Draco took the Diary back with a huff and wrote—

-What did he make you do?

"Why'd you assume You-Know-Who made her do something?" Ron asked quietly.

"He always makes his new initiates do something," Draco replied. "Like he made me fix the Vanishing Cabinet."

Granger squeaked loudly commanding all attention on her. The horrified expression on her face alarmed everyone in vicinity.

"She said," Hermione stuttered lightly. "She said, 'He made me kill three people. I did. No regrets.' Malfoy do you think the Dark Mark is affecting her?"

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 𝐖𝐇𝐎 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐏𝐏𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐖𝐀𝐑 Where stories live. Discover now