i promise its okay

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aaron pov: i turned around to see....veronica

roni: what are you doing are you crazy
aaron: why did you stop me i couldn't of been dead everyone would of been happy
roni: no i wouldn't of i would of actually been really upset
aaron: why you don't care any way *he sits down*
roni: actually i do i care a lot about you ever since pre school *she sits next to him*
aaron: then why do you bully me like everyone else if you cared no one cares they say they do then lie
roni: do you wanna know the actual truth aaron..... i have loved you since we were 8 i loved you in a best friend way okay then when we were 10 i had a crush on you and to this day i still do and we are 16 that 6 years and i've never tried anything cause i was scared i was scared incase i hurt you or you rejected me why do you think i've turned down all the boys that's asked me out, it's because i care about you your all i care about, i bullied you because i got bullied for being your friend people would beat me up make fun of me even my family would say things to me i got forced to bully i really didn't want to it got so bad i started cutting too *she lifts up her sleeve*
aaron: RONI WHY?
roni: i told you it made me feel better
aaron: promise me you won't do it again and i'm sorry
roni: why?
aaron: because i am the reason
roni: no don't be i'll keep that promise if you promise me something
aaron: what?
roni: we can be friends again and not care about what anyone says or does and not hurt our self.
aaron: i promise
roni: thank you *hugs him* i forgot how nice your hugs are
aaron: roni
roni: yeah
aaron: i got kicked out my house my dad kicked me out
roni: wait why
aaron: because of that thing that got rumoured
and i sware it's not true i wouldn't do that
roni: i know i believe you that girl set it up and murdered her self she got a boy that was as tall as you to do it to her i believe you
aaron: you do
roni: of course i do
aaron: well i have no where to live
roni: it's okay i can sneak you into my house

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