Chapter Twenty-Eight

Start from the beginning

"How did you...?"

"I was curious as to how you found that picture of mine in that book, he started. "I mean, yeah, it definitely could have just been you browsing through the bookshelf, but according to Gavin, you aren't exactly into reading."

I took a firm step toward him. "So, you tried digging up dirt on me?" I questioned, my tone sharper than a knife. He had no right.

"Tried. And did."

I took another step toward him, leaving nothing but two feet in between us. "You have no right to just invade my personal belongings."

"This is my house," he argued.

"That isn't an excuse."

"It is when we are letting you hide here," he barked. "A murderer could show up at any given moment and kill us all. I have every right to follow a suspicion on any one of I did and I found this...And I've told everyone."

My heart dropped in my chest. "What?" my voice cracked.

"You clearly weren't going to tell them," he continued his excuse. "So, I did."

"You had no right!" I yelled.

Sam tossed the letter back at me, not even bothered by my tone or words. I watched the paper float back and forth until gravity pulled it to the floor. "Too late to do anything about it though." With that, he turned around and disappeared down the hallway.

Tears burned my eyes and fear gnawed at my chest. No. They needed to hear that from me. My feet took off, carrying me to the living room, where all of my friends were already waiting for me, half of them seated, half of them standing. Their eyes found me and the single tear wetting my cheek, making all of them look down to the ground in presumed disappointment except for Gavin and Kason.

My brother was the first to angrily close the distance between me and him to confront me. "Why would you think it's a good idea to keep this from us? Delilah, he found a way to get a letter to you and you didn't think that information could have been used?"

"I did; I had Olivia look into it," I immediately defended myself.

"But not my dad," Kason jumped in, now standing behind Gavin.

"No. I didn't want to worry anyone if it was nothing."

"This is such a big deal!" my brother yelled at me. "What if he tried contacting you again? Or any of us? There can be no secrets Delilah! Our situation is way too serious already. Add in people keeping secrets and none of us will survive this."

I tried to breathe and keep my calm as much as I could. Me getting even more upset would just make matters worse. I was an adult, and I was going to handle this like one.

"I'm sorry. I planned on telling all of you. I really did."

"When?" he fired back again. "Next week? Next month? Next year? A time when all of this is over? When Charles is dead? When half of us are dead? When Delilah?"

I breathed. "Gavin..."

"Trust is vital right now! Okay? No more secrets," he demanded sternly. "None."

I looked down from his eyes and nodded, leaving him to storm past me and out of the room. A bedroom door slammed closed down the hallway. I hated seeing him this angry, and me being the reason for it killed me.

I blinked away more tears as they threatened to take over while I watched Marla stand and make her way to me. She placed a calm hand on my shoulder. "I understand," she spoke softly. "I'll go talk to him." Marla left to check on my brother before I looked up at Kason.

The disappointment in his eyes pulled out every inch of guilt in my body and dug it deep into my heart. "I'm sorry," I tried to say strongly, but it came out more of a whisper.

He took a deep breath and nodded twice. "I know you are...but you still made a big mistake."

I nodded and swallowed the lump in my throat. "I was scared and wanting to protect everyone," I admitted honestly.

"I know, Baby... just give us all time to take this in and understand the situation."

Swallowing again, I nodded and watched him turn and walk outside. After taking another moment to breathe, I faced the others to own up for what I did. "I'm sorry guys...I know I should have told you all the minute I got the letter. Telling you was my intention, but the fear of how you guys would react built up more every day, and after a while, it seemed too late to mention it. I've just been scared. If I could go back and change my actions, I would."

Aria gifted me with a small, pained smile. "We forgive you, Delilah...As long as you promise to never do something like this again."

I nodded and assured them. "This will never happen again. No more secrets."

Letting out a loud sigh, Hazel stood and patted my shoulder. "Go get some sleep," Hazel told me. "Give everyone time to think about this, okay? We will all wake up tomorrow with fresh minds." Although it was still evening and I wasn't even the tiniest bit tired, I nodded to Hazel and listened, leaving them all and shut myself in my room. 


I'm so sorry for the wait!

I'm now a full-time student and working in my free time just so I can pay my tuition. Honestly, writing has left my priority list. 

but I know you guys love this book series and have fallen for these characters, so I'm determined to finish it for you guys. Just bear with me, cause these chapters can't be posted steadily. But I promise I'll try to work on this book when I get the chance.

I love every single one of you and LOVE reading your comments. and I just saw how Conspicuous Secrets has over 250k reads and that is ABSOLUTELY INSANE! I have been blessed to have all of you supporting this book series. I can't wait to see all of your reactions to the remaining half of this book!

Love you all and hope you understand<3

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