Chapter 3

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As I said bye to Mrs Cooper, I started making my way to my locker and then I was going to make my way to my form. While I was following Mrs Coopers directions, just like when I came into school, there was plenty of people staring at me with there jaws touching the floor, full of shock. I actually had no idea where my form was. I was going to ask Mrs Cooper but it seemed like she was in a rush because we didn't really discuss a lot of things. The message from the headteacher said that I was supposed to be in there for around 30 minutes, so we had enough time to discuss my file, but I was only in there for about 15 minutes. But I was fine with that because I wanted to see if I could make friends or look around and become a little familiar with the place.
Once I finally found my locker I put in the combination and opened it up. There was enough space to fit 2 full backpacks in there which was good because I might need to put a few things in there one day. I didn't have much to put in it now but when I looked in my bag I did see a few things that I didn't extremely need throughout the day so I emptied out a couple of things which made my bag a little lighter. My back then felt better as it was hurting a small bit from my heavy bag. I shut my locker and put the lock back on it so no-one could enter it while I was in lesson. I started going left from my locker, hoping that my form room would make an appearance but all I could see was rooms that were in the 100's. As a guess I thought that all the rooms on the first floor must be in the 100's, the rooms on the second floor must be in the 200's and the room on the third floor was going to be in the 300's. So I walked down the corridor and around the corner until I came to some stairs which could take me upstairs. As I started walking up them I realised how cleaner they were then the ones at my older school. Once I reached the second floor the bell went off and I thought that I made it there right on time. There was some more stairs which obviously led to the third floor but because the bell went off I didn't have time to go on an adventure right now.
I went round another corner and it took me to a room which read the number '255' and then another room next to it read 254 which meant that my form room was probably the next room. Room 254 and 255 looked like offices. These offices were smaller then Mrs Coopers office so it meant that Mrs Cooper was probably more important then them. I looked through some doors, which were to the left of the 2 offices and another door was standing there with another sign next to it which read:
Mrs Riley
This was obviously my new form room and so I walked through the door to find a couple students sat at their desks and Mrs Riley sat in her really comfy chair at the front of the classroom. I slowly walked up to her and started to introduce myself.
"Hi I'm Chloe Carter am I in the right form room? Mrs Cooper told me to come to 253. Are you Mrs Riley?"
"Hello Chloe yes I'm expecting you and yes I'm Mrs Riley. You are a very pretty young lady and I'm glad I have another girl in my form group instead of another boy. This form group has mostly boys in it but most of them are really nice so there is nothing to worry about."
"Thank you for calling me pretty, you are pretty as well and I've been told that you are really good at French as well. Unfortunately I'm not in your French class, I'm in Mrs Coopers which is great but I'm sure your class is lovely. So Mrs Riley where would you like me to sit?"
"You can sit on the front row close to me I guess just so you get the feel of form time properly."
"Yes that would be fantastic. What a good idea!" As I sat at the front of the class more students started to arrive. If you came in later then 5 minutes after the bell then you would be classed as late. Mrs Riley is so nice though I don't think that she would actually give anyone a late mark.
It had been 4 minutes since the bell and it looked like most of the class were already here and already staring at me once again. About 30 seconds before someone would be classed as late no one but Ben Johnson walked through the door and we both caught eye contact as soon as he came in. There was no other seats left in class except from a space next to someone who put their bag on the seat. This meant that Ben could only really sit next to me which made me nervous but excited for us to meet and talk again.
"Am I late miss?" Asked Ben while breathing really fast as if he just ran a marathon.
"Nope you made it Ben well done. I guess you can sit in the seat next to our new student Chloe."

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