[Reader]'s Memories

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We are already on the first chapter! So let's see where the adventure goes.
[Y/n] = your name
[L/n] = last name
[F/n] = father's name
[M/n] = mother's name
[F/c] = favorite color

3rd POV.
We open up on a quiet night in [town name]. The streets were silent, except for the clip-clopping of horses. The view of the crescent shape of the moon was beautiful in the bight sky, with the silver shine on moonlight shining down on the houses.
On closer inspection, it almost seems like the moon wasn't a moon at all. The closer you look at the small planet, the more it seems as if it's turning to the side, with two bright, glowing greenish-blue eyes. We then close in on a mansion, and move into a room where eight men are gathered, two of them being rather close friends, all while the others look at them like they have five heads.

"Charles, [F/n], you both must have lost your minds with this venture!" One of the older men states. Another soon speaks up after him, "this idea of yours is absolutely ridiculous! There is no way it could work!!" Looking at the two gentlemen with an angered expression, while the tow simply smile at one another in agreement to their plan.

"For some men, it may seem impossible," the younger brunette man states, "however, the only way to achieve the impossible is to believe that it IS possible." "Charles, that kind of thinking could ruin your company." "Then we are willing to take that chance, lord Ascott." [F/n] says to him, staring him down in his own assertion. "Gentlemen, just imagine our country trading with Sumatra and Bornio." "Yes," Charles starts in, "with trading posts in rancoon, bancoc, jacarta..." the men soon hear the sound of small feet stopping in from of the drawing room, where a young [h/c] haired girl, with bright [e/c] eyes looks over at the men with slight fear adorned on her face. Her father looks over with the men in concern.

"The nightmare again, dear??" The simply replies with a curt nod as the men look to him. "Charles, keep them informed of our idea until I return. I won't be too long, old friend." [F/n] claims as he walks out of the room, hand held out to his young child, leading her back to bed.


"It was weird, father. Like I'm actually falling down a very dark hole. After that, I find these very strange creatures." The girl starts towards her father, lying down in her [f/c] bed while under her white sheets. "What kind of creatures did you see?" The father asks, curious as to what she saw.

"Well, there was a dodo bird, having other animals run around a tall rock he was standing on, while water was rushing over them. And then was was this white rabbit, and he was wearing a strange waist coat with a pocket watch, and there was also a smiling [f/c] cat." "I didn't know cats could smile, or be a [f/c]. He jokes towards her, making his beloved daughter/son smile at his attempt to make them laugh. "Neither did I. But then, there was also a Blue Caterpillar, smoking a hookah pipe." His smile falters at hearing this, taking his child's words into consideration.

"A blue caterpillar... I see..." the child soon grows weary, thinking they might be delusional. "father, do you think that I've gone mad?" The father says nothing, placing his hand on the forehead of his kin, then pulls it back, feeling no fever from them. "I'm afraid so, darling. You've become as mad as a hatter, or as crazy as a march hare. But I shall tell you a special secret that charles has always told me. 'All the best people are crazy.'" The two share a laugh together as he leaves a kiss on his little one's forehead. With this, [Y/n] turned into her side and slowly fell into a deep and dreamless sleep.

... ... ...
... ... ...
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Little did they know, that the next few years ahead of them, would bring on their biggest adventure.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2020 ⏰

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