Chapter 5

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I felt like I had slept for days. You gave me food at one point, I think, and made me drink. I felt disgusting, I hadn't showered for days. My hair felt so dirty. I need to pee, too

I laid there for what felt like forever. I listened for any noises from outside this room. I didn't hear anything. It was silent. No sound of people or traffic. There was just the room I was in. Just the cold.

I tried moving my body. Lifting one leg then the other. I wasn't in as much pain this time. I was more awake and aware. Very quietly, I pushed myself up, putting my weight on my elbows, and looked around the room again. You weren't there. Only me. Me, the queen size bed I was in, a bedside table, a chest of drawers, and the chair where the clothes were. Everything around me was wooden. The walls were bare. The window on my right covered with a thick curtain. The curtain was open. The sun was bright outside. Daytime. The door on my left was shut.

I listened for a few moments. Searching of any noise. Then I moved to the edge of the bed. I felt dizzy from trying to get up. I grabbed the mattress and took a deep breath. I carefully put one foot on the wooden floor. Then I moved the other. I held onto the bed as I shifted my weight to my legs. My vision blurred for a moment as I stood.

I reached for the clothes on the chair beside the bed. There was a pair of jeans. I slipped them on. They felt tight and clung to my legs. The button dug into my bladder. Making my need to pee even worse. I didn't bother with the shoes. They would make to much noise on the floor. I started creeping towards the door. The floor cold. My legs were stiff. But I made it to the door. I slowly turned the knob.

It was dark outside the room. My eyes adjusted and, I saw a long hallway. All wooden. I turned my head to look down the hallway to the right. There were four doors on my side of the hall, three on the opposite. One door all the way to the end. They were all closed. The floor creaked when I made my first step out of the room. I froze right after. There wasn't any other noises coming from behind the other doors. I stepped again. I didn't know which door to turn to.

I walked over to the door across from mine. I grabbed the cold knob and opened the door. I held my breath as it opened. I let the breath out when I saw you weren't in there. There was a sink and a shower. A bathroom. Another door was in the back. I'm guessing what was a toilet. I thought about it for a moment. Thinking about the idea of going pee I really needed to. But I didn't know if I'd get another chance for escape. This might have been the only one. I closed the door and then started for the corridor again. I could pee outside if I ever got out. I thought if I got out, someone would find me and everything would be okay.

I still didn't hear anything. I held onto the wall to steady myself and walked to the door all the way to the end. Every time I took a step the floor creaked a little. Splinters caught into my hands as I ran my hands over the wooden walls. My heart was beating fast. I couldn't think straight. The last thing I remembered was the airport I met you at. But I was on another plane and in a vehicle, wasn't I? Maybe it was all a dream. Where was my family?

I started with small, quiet steps. I wanted to scream and hurry to find a way out. But I needed to go unnoticed. I tried not to think about what had happened or I'd be too scared to keep going.

I walked to the very end of the hall and slowly opened the door. On the other side, I saw a large, dimly lit room. I backed into the hall, just in case I needed to run. The pressure in my bladder was unbearable. No movement in the room, except for the burning of a fire place on my left. No noises. You weren't there either. I made out a long couch and three wooden chairs. There were curtains over the windows. Without the fireplace burning, the room would be pitch black. The walls were naked with just windows. The air was cold around me, giving me goosebumps on my arms, but slightly warmer than the others two rooms I'd been in.

To my right, there was a kitchen. A table in the middle and cupboards all around. The curtains were drawn in there, too. I looked ahead and I saw another door that I assumed to be the door to freedom. I tiptoed my way to the door, not making any sound. The pain in my bladder got worse as I kept walking. When I got to the door, I grabbed the knob and turned it, expecting it to be locked. It wasn't. I gulped. Then I woke up and pushed it open. I opened it just wide enough for my body to slip through, and I stepped straight out.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2015 ⏰

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