Chapter 3

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Things started to change. Everything around me was going too fast. I was becoming less aware of what was happening. It really amazed me. What just a little bit of that powder did to me.

"How do you feel?" you asked.

You were watching me very carefully. I wanted to say I was fine, but that's not what came out. I had no idea what came out. It was all jumbled together. All of the lights in the coffee stop started to blur. I remember suddenly turning cold from the air conditioning vent above us. I smelled what was the combination of the coffee around the shop and your minty smell. You grabbed my hand tightly, you took me away, and stole me.

When I got out of the chair, I think I tipped over my own coffee cup. I later found a burn mark above my right knee. It left a scar that I still have.

You were guiding me away from the coffee shop; we were walking fast. At the time, I thought you were bringing me back to my family to get to my flight. It took much longer than I had remembered before. People in uniforms were talking to you, and you held me like I was your girlfriend. I smiled and nodded at them when they asked me something, but I wasn't sure what they had said. We went up some stairs, and I couldn't bend my knees. I giggled at how my knees felt like marshmallows. Then I remember being outside. There were other people around, not really taking notice of us. We went through some tall shrubs by a dumpster. The dumpster was reeking of rotten food.

Then you held me to you, like before. You said some things that were fuzzy to me. I just watched your beautiful mouth move as you were talking to me. I reached my hands up to your face and touched you. You moved my hands with your large ones. Your hands were warm and heat shot up my arms. You started saying other things to me that I only half understood, but I nodded anyway. You handed me a pile of clothes: a floor length dress and fuzzy boots. I took my jeans off and leaned against you to keep my balance. After that you turned away to let me finish.

When I was done, you pulled your shirt over your head. I reached my hand out and touched your bare back. It was toned and tanned and warm. I could feel the muscles moving as you grabbed a new shirt to put on. I don't even remember the reason for why I did that, but I just knew I really wanted to touch you. I wanted to remember how it felt. I still feel it, even now.

You put other things on me too. First, you wrapped a scarf around my head and hair. Then, you put something over my eyes that made my vision darker. I was moving but my brain hadn't caught up with me. You rubbed something colorful over my lips. Then you put something in my mouth. It tasted heavenly. Chocolate.

When we started walking, I looked down, and I couldn't see my feet. I started panicking because I thought I was losing my legs. I forgot how to walk. You put your arm around my waist, and it warmed me. I felt safe. I closed my eyes, and I tried to figure out what was going on.

There was suddenly a crowd around us. I couldn't see exactly what the faces looked like. They were all blurred. Then you pushed me out of it. You must have planned this out to a T. Who knows how long you've planned this for. You had a ticket, a different passport for me, and a way past security. Did it work out exactly how you wanted it to? Or did you get lucky? It's still shocking to me how you got me through that airport without anyone noticing us. I didn't even notice.

You kept putting more chocolates in my mouth. I loved it. After you, just looking at it makes me nauseous. After a few of them, I completely forgot what happened.

Then, later, we were somewhere sitting. I was leaning into you, and your arm was around me. You body was keeping my cold one warm. Someone came up to us and asked you something.

"We're celebrating. She had too much to drink."

I blacked out after that.

When I awoke again, we were walking, in a different airport, maybe. People everywhere. Outside was dark. It was night. The air was freezing cold. You handed me a think jacket and made me put it on. My fingers were frozen until you grabbed them in your hands, and they started to warm up. You put gloves on my hands. Then you took me to a parking lot.

I started to register what was happening. You realized it too. You grabbed me tightly before I could do anything about it.

I hit you multiple times, fighting out of your grip. I scram but you then covered my mouth. You moved me behind a vehicle and covered my mouth with some kind of cloth. My mind went fuzzy. I lost my balance, and you caught me.

What I remember is being in the back seat of a truck. My hands and feet were tied up. My mouth was covered by a cloth. We were ridding on a bumpy road. It felt never ending. I fell asleep.

Then I woke up again. Frozen. Body numb. Throat sore. I wanted to black out again. Then came the pain.

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