The Winner of the Competition

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"Awesome, Ishigami Senku! So that's everyone? Amazing! Anyone have any questions?" The host looked at everyone in the group after finishing her loud cluster of speech, expecting an answer. When the group stood quiet, she decided that it was time to move on.

"Alright! So, since we still have some time to kill before we start, I just came up with something on the spot!" She took some random guys hat and ripped up a piece of paper to give to each member of the small circle you guys had formed.

"Okay, listen-" she started. "Since you all know each-others names, I thought it would be fun-but also harsh- to write down the name of who you want to win the most! Not your own."

Alright, easy enough. I already know who I'm writing. That sexy hunk of man meat Senku! Wait.... what's the point of this anyways? To make us hate each-other?

"Do we have to write our names on it, too?" Some random dude whose name you had already forgotten spoke.

"Yeah. Perfect for embarrassment," the host grinned menacingly in everyone's direction.

"There's no writing materials," Senku pointed out. Oh, hes so smart and wonderf-

"Call them pencils like a normal person, smartass," some irrelevant guy dared to speak. Senku looked ticked off at just that, how dare that irrelevant ass muncher insult someone as good-looking as Senku?

Yet, you still grinned. Senku looking irritated was kind of hot.

"Sorry, what's your name again? I wouldn't know since I know no one's gonna write your name," Senku shot back immediately. Oh, burn! He's smart AND witty, what a catch!

The guy grunted. "Assh-"

"Stop! Here, pens," the host interrupted as she gave each contestant a pen. Ah, so in the end we got pens instead of pencils. Who's laughing now, random guy?

You moved to the closest wall, setting the paper down onto it and writing Senku's name. Adding your own name in a small font at the bottom of it. You picked it off the wall and folded it into a small square and placed it in the hat.

"Ohh, first one done, ay?" The host smiled. You nodded, moving to sit down on the floor. You could see her pick your paper up from the hat and unfold it, there was a quick pause before she began smirking at it.

Uh oh.

She kept nodding along while staring and smirking. "That was a mistake..." You whispered to yourself, sighing afterwards. But there was no use crying about it.

You couldn't help wonder who Senku wrote. Probably not yourself- definitely not yourself, that would be too much of a coincidence- and it would be leading to a very much unprepared love story. Wait, that doesn't sound too bad... No! You've got to concentrate on the competition at hand.

You're plenty prepared, all you had to do was wait for the host to put the competition in action. You wanted to win and get it over with already! "Everyone! Round back up!" You heard the host speak, you looked over.

Oh, finally! You walked over to where the rest of the competitors were. You watched as Senku slipped his paper into the hat, and also as the host's smirk grew. Lucky bitch. You wanted to look at the paper, too.

"So, I won't actually be telling any of you who anyone wrote. These are mine to keep," the host mentioned. Damn that whore! "Okay! Is everyone ready to commence with the competition?" The host asked, looking at each of the competitors- including yourself, individually.

"Well, either way, I don't care if you are or not! Your fault if you're not! Now, let's start!" And then she pulled a bunch of cards from her pocket.

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