°{Gon POV

I walk into my room after taking a bath to find Killua staring at the black screen of his phone, tears streaming down his face. "Killua" I said softly not wanting to frighten him. He slowly turned his head facing me eyes huge, he looked scared as he started to cough into his hand. "Killus are you okay? You've been acting weird since we were out looking at the stars." Killua didn't awnser he just kept coughing as he slowly stood trembling as he walked past me heading for the bathroom. I slowly follow him as he locks the bathroom door, I hear more coughing and hacking as the toilet seat slams open. What's going on with him is he sick or something? I should ask Aunt Mito. Next thing I know it I'm leaving where I stood listening to Killua's coughing, I find myself wandering downstairs to find Aunt Mito. "Aunt Mito?" I say in a quiet voice knowing grandma is most likely asleep, "hm?" I hear her awnser from the kitchen. I follow where I heard her voice and I find myself asking her if she knew why Killua was acting so weird. "What do you mean weird? Last time I saw him was when you were carrying him upstairs, he was fast asleep" "I know, he just woke up and when I walked into my room I saw him staring at his phone with the screen black and tears streaming down his face. Now he's in the bathroom coughing into the toilet!" I awnsered with a huge amount of worry in my voice.

°{Killua POV

I heard Gon downstairs he sounded worried, was he worried about me? I mean I guess I'm a little off but not to the point where he has to be worried... Right? I heard footsteps coming up the stairs, I panicked and picked up all the petals that fell out of the bowl of the toilet and flushed it as quickly as I could. Next thing I knew it there was a knock at the door and I hear Gon saying "Hey Killua, are you good you sounded like you were coughing your lungs out" literally "Yeah I'm fine" I say as I open the door to see a worried Gon. "I guess I just ate something that didn't agree with my stomach"

°{Gon POV

"Oh, okay! Next time dont scare me like that" I awnsered feeling all my worries be lifted off my chest like a balloon. After I said that his I thought I saw his cheeks turn a slight pink, then I saw his throught move in an awkward way like something was stuck in it.

《¤°Timeskip to bedtime°¤》

°{3rd person POV

"Hey boys, the extra futon is in the wash and I was wondering it was okay if you two shared a bed?" Aunt Mito asked as she walks in to find Killua holding Gon's feet while he was doing situps. "YEAH! OF COURSE ITS OKAY!" Gon said a little too excited, while Killua was just thinking about sharing a bed with Gon as he coughed a little earning a glance from Gon. "And is it okay with you Killua?" "Yeah, it's fine." Killua awnsered in a monotone voice. Aunt Mito just smiled and left the room.

°{Killua POV

"Damnit Gon! Stop hugging me like a koala!" I say while trying to pry off the spiky haired boy. "Noooo I don't want tooooooo!" He said in a muffled voice clinging onto Killua's shirt. That action caused Killua's face to heat up and he almost started coughing again but just held it in. Killua slapped Gon on the back of the head "Owwww Killua what was that for?" He said sitting up and rubbing the back of his head where Killua hit him. "Fine I'll stop." Gon said finally giving in. Finally he grasped the fact that I'm not a human teddy bear.
  A few hours later I felt the heat of another body curling up close to mine. I turn around to find Gon's big brown eyes staring into mine.

°{Gon POV

I was truly concerned for Killua he doesn't deserve what is happening to him. I'm thinking as I get lost in those deep blue eyes almost like the ocean. "Gon?" Killua said waving his hand in front of my face "Yeah Killua?" I awnser in a soft voice "You okay? You curled up to me and you were just staring at me." He awnsered with a hint of concern. "Yeah... I'm alright" I awnser after a moment of silence. "Okay good" I hear him awnser in a whisper tone "Why? Were you worried about me?" I question teasing him. "Ofcourse not idiot!" He whisper-yelled "mhm" is all I say as I hug him like a big teddy bear. "What are you doing Gon?!" The white haired boy asked.

°{Killua POV

I feel my throught tighten and I start coughing into my hand as he looks up at me with those amber eyes full of concern. "Killua you okay? Are you still sick from earlier?" The spiky haired boy asked. I just grunted and got out of bed walking towards the bathroom.
  I lock myself in the bathroom as I cough up more than just petals, in the darkness of the bathroom I see that there is blood coating the flowers in a thin layer. After my coughing fit I wipe the spot of blood and exit the bathroom,I enter the room to see a concerned Gon sitting up on the bed waiting for me to return. "Hey Killua... are you shure you are okay?"

Aaaaaand cliffhanger! 1597 words (not including these words) Hey I will be updating as soon as possible.

\\Friendzoned// 《Killugon Hanahaki》(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now