Chapter 4

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After Sierra got done throwing up, she was just about to flush when she began to look at what she fumigated from her mouth.

It looked like some sort of molten stuff that came from the Earth's mantle.

Sierra gasped.

What in inferno did I just threw up? This... This can't be happening! Magma...Lava...Is this even possible? Am I...Am I some sort of... volcano? What am I going to do? Should I tell Dad? I have a bad feeling that Uncle Max is trying to...No! Dad should find out on his own what's going on with me. How am I supposed to get this... Wait a second... It's cooling down and hardening up, just like an igneous rock! Now I have to get this rock out of here. It'll stop the toilet up, if I don't... She said to herself as she looked around and saw a mini butterfly net, along with some latex gloves.

This is perfect. Now... All I have to do is get the rock out with this net. Sierra said to herself as she was putting on the rubber latex gloves and using the butterfly net like a pooper scooper to fish the igneous rock out.


Trevor was watching the stairs intently, hoping that his little girl was alright.

Knowing that it was taking her long, he placed the notebook down on the coffee table, got up from where he was sitting at and began to go upstairs, towards the bathroom.


Sierra had gotten the hardened rock out of the toilet and was about to place it on a paper towel and wrap it up when she heard three knocks at the door.

"Sweet pea, are you alright? Is there something wrong...?"

It was her father, Trevor.

She didn't want him knowing what was going on.

So... She had to...Lie.

"Y-Yeah, Dad. E...Ev... Everything' alright." Sierra said as she looked around the room, frantically.

Trevor could tell that something was wrong with the young girl and what he wanted to do was go in there, hug her and tell her that everything was going to be okay.

"Sweet pea, you've been in there for more than fifteen minutes now." He said as he began to jiggle the doorknob, which was on the inside of the bathroom door was locked.

He couldn't open it.

"I know, Dad." Sierra said, a little bit annoyed.

She was worried that she was going to get caught.

"You know that I worry about you a lot since you have a bladder defect, right, Sweet pea?" Trevor said as he was leaning into the door.

Sierra was now wrapping the rock up with a paper towel.

"I know, Dad." She said as she looked from the now wrapped up rock to the door.

She was beginning to feel guilty.

Sierra never liked to keep secrets from her father.

She was always up front with him, telling him straight up what was wrong.

But, now... She feels as if she'll never get to tell him because of what's holding her back.

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