Far Too Young

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Euphemia and Fleamont were old—James knew this, but he had tried his best to ignore it by any means. And now, he was being confronted by the fact that his parents were old head on.

A few healers walked in and out of the room the Potters occupied in the comforts of their own home, despite James telling them that they would be better off at St. Mungo's. The healers had reassured James that they would be getting the same amount of care at their home as they would get at the hospital.

He held the informational packet, a brochure of sorts, in his hands that one of the healers had given him about Dragon Pox and sat in the middle of the living room on the floor. He wished he could have remained oblivious to all the bad in the world as he was in first-year, but a child's innocence can stay around forever.

It was cruel to think about what James would have wanted to have on a brochure. Brochures were supposed to advertise foreign places with extravagant hotels and clothing, not deadly diseases. However, he was not traveling to Spain, and he had to digest the truth.

Euphemia and Fleamont Potter had Dragon Pox.

His parents had told him that they were fine and it was just a cold, yet it turned out that they were both a lot sicker than everyone originally thought. Apparently, they had caught the illness on a recent trip they had gone on with Slughorn, who had even more recently decided that he wanted to retire from teaching.

Memories surrounded him like ghosts of old versions of himself. In that very room, his mum had read him stories and his dad had given him his very first quidditch broom. Years had passed him by and he had taken them all for granted. It seemed that it had all caught up with him.

For the next few weeks, James and the rest of the crew took turns visiting Euphemia and Fleamont. Lily had convinced James that he needed a break and that Sirius and Marlene could handle a day with his parents, so she took him and Harry out for school supplies shopping with Annie. (There had been something they needed to ask Annie anyway.)

They walked around Diagon Alley with soft smiles gracing their features as Annie bounced around the sidewalk telling them every funny story she could think of from the past ten years. Lily and James listened intently even if they had already heard most of them.

Annie had bought all of her school books before the time lunch rolled around, so they visited a nearby diner where they could all eat. Annie held Harry in her arms and brushed a finger on his cheek, watching him gurgle caused Annie to giggle.

"Annie," Lily started, sharing a brief look with James.

"Yes Lily?" She responded, not looking up from Harry.

"We have a very important question to ask you about Harry," James picked up where Lily left off.

"And what's that?" Annie still focused her attention upon Harry.

"Well, you know how Sirius is Harry's godfather?" Lily's smile deepened as Annie cooed at Harry.

"I do, yes, and despite popular belief, I think that was the perfect choice. I wonder what he's going to be like when he has kids," Annie's hazel eyes sparkled as she finally looked up at Lily and James. "Was that your question, or was there something else?"

"Actually, Annie, we wanted to know if you would like to be his godmother," James asked finally.

Lily had learned over the years that the Potters were an unpredictable family, but she was not expecting Annie to burst into tears when they asked her this question. If anything, Lily had thought Annie would laugh hysterically because she thought they were pranking her.

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