I threw my top off before slipping my panties down and letting them fall onto the floor. I winced slightly at the corset that was squeezing my stomach to make the hourglass shape. I reached back and unlaced, slipping the string out and slipping it over my head before I threw it on the floor. "Stupid corset," I said as I went to the tub, kicking my sandals off and carefully climbing in. The water was burning hot and I sank down into it.

Hot water was hard to come by when you were lower caste seeing as it had to be heated over a fire and then dumped into the tub. It was hard to keep the water heated in the meantime as you heated up more water. I sighed as I noticed that my skin was turning pink from how hot the water was. I got a washrag from the rack that was above the bathtub. I used the soap and washrag to wash myself off, a frown on my lips as I felt the water start to cool off.

I got out of the tub carefully, grabbing the towel that was on the rack and wrapping around myself. I tucked the end into the towel so that it was hanging around me loosely as I headed to the door. The stone floor was rough underneath my feet which seemed to feel better then my sandals did. I opened the bathroom door, peeking out slightly. My eyes landed on the woman who had gotten a dress out and was currently setting up some things on a vanity. I hesitantly left the bathroom, my feet lightly padding on the stone floor.

"I see you are done with your wash," she said as she turned to face me. She had pretty hazel eyes and a green tint to her brown hair. "There is your dress, there's a folding screen for you to change behind," she told me making me nod. I took the dress and walked to the folding screen, ducking behind it as I studied the dress. It was a light green dress that had little cut out designs of daisy flowers. I let my towel fall to the floor as I unfolded the dress and took the panties out of the unfolded dress. I slipped them on as I looked for a corset with a frown on my lips. I hate how they felt but I was used to wearing them even when I slept.

"Uh miss, there's no corset in here," I said softly as I peeked my head out from behind the folding screen. The woman was heating up a curling iron which I knew would suck to use on my hair because it couldn't even hold curls anyway.

"I know," she said as she glanced at me. "The Elders do not allow the women that they have brought to them to wear corsets. They will allow them if you insist upon meeting them but they firmly believe that wearing them is not a healthy thing and so they are banned for now," she told me after noticing my confusion. I nodded and ducked back behind the screen, slipping the dress on. I walked out and she glanced at me with a small smile on her lips. "The Elders will love how that dress looks on you," she stated making me sigh.

"I don't really care what they think about me," I stated as i went to the vanity, looking at myself in the mirror.

"Well that's a bit rude to say," a woman's voice said making me turn to look at the door. A pale blonde woman wearing a white dress that hugged her figure walked over to me. She was about 6'0", or that's what I my small 5'3" self, thought. Her eyes were a blue-green color and she had a small smirk on her lips as she eyed me.

"Miss Selene, you are not to meet any of the picks yet," the woman who had been helping me said. The long haired blonde lady, Selene, just glanced at her before waving her hand dismissively.

"I can meet anyone that I wish," Selene stated as she frowned, her hands resting on her hips. "Besides, she doesn't have to know that I'm here does she?" she asked making me tilt my head, wondering who this she was.

"She always knows when her rules are broken," the woman said as she directed me into the vanity chair while glancing at Selene. "I'm going to curl your hair since you didn't wash it so it should curl nicely since it's dry," she told me making me nod. She undid m braid and let my loose waves of hair fall. She picked up the hairbrush and started to brush through my hair, it tangling slightly in the knots in my hair. "This will take a while," she murmured as she tried to brush through my hair which made me wince slightly and tilt my head back.

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