2.) arrival

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phone rings.

Annie opens her eyes & looks at her phone that is ringing quite loudly.

Annie~ hello ?
Hayden- Annie you up ?
Annie~ no omg are you coming for me already ?
Hayden- yes but I am gonna hang around for a bit it's super early we don't have to be at school for a while it's 7
Annie- ohh okay you had me so damn worried hay
Hayden- it's alright I'm also bringing you a surprise.
Annie- I'll be waiting on you. Also when you get here just walk in I'll let my mom know.
Hayden- okay Annie see you then.

Annie's POV.
Well I'm all packed I just need to get dressed & be ready for Hayden to arrive. This tank top & shorts seem okay.

Suddenly someone turns the knob & opens Annie's door. She turns around in shock.

Annie's POV.
I was practically naked I was changing into my shirt when I turned around & there was Hayden.

Annie- Hayden ! Oh my~

Hayden closes his eyes & turns around.

Hayden- I'm sorry I didn't mean to you said just walk in ..
Annie- yeah into the house not my bedroom !
Hayden- I didn't mean to I'm sorry ..
Annie- it's okay you saw nothing !
Hayden- yeah nothing ... well I brought you star bucks !
Annie- aww thank you Hayden ! but seriously no one knows about this !
Hayden- don't worry Annie your my bestfriend we don't have anything to hide.

Hayden- well it's almost 7:30 wanna start heading to the school ?
Annie- yeah sure let me just grab the rest of my stuff.
Hayden- is this your bag ?
Annie- yeah I think everything is packed already.
Hayden- I'll take it to the car for you

Annie's POV.
Hayden is such a sweet guy. I'm glad he is my bestfriend & I hope one day we can both find someone but when that day comes I hope we will still be close & our significant other doesn't get in between our friendship.

Annie stares at Hayden as he takes her bag to the car.

Hayley- see you when summers over.
Annie- I'll miss you hay
Hayden- your coming with me what do you mean?
Hayley- she was talking to me your not the only hay here.
Hayden- sorry ...

Hayden walks out of the room.

Annie & Hayley hug.

Annie- I'll see you soon.
Hayley- yeah soon ...

Hayley walks out.

Hayden- hey mom we are ready to go.

Tisha- okay you all ready and packed?

Tisha notices Annie & begins to smile a big smile.

Annie- hi mrs summerall !! It's so good to see you again.
Tisha- Annie you look so grown I haven't seen you in forever! & it is so great to see you ! How have you been ?
Annie- ive been doing good how have you been?
Tisha- I've been doing great !! Still doing haydens laundry as usual.

Hayden- okay mom let's not get off topic here.

Annie smiles & looks out the window.

Tisha- star bucks huh ?
Annie- yes it's my absolute favorite.
Tisha- ah yes Hayden begged me to go now I know why.

Hayden- oh look school right around the corner.

Tisha pulls up to the school.

Hayden- well mom I'll see you at the end of summer.
Annie- bye Tisha ! It was nice seeing you again thank you for the ride.

Jayden- Conner stop go hangout with your friends.
Conner- you really don't want anyone to know we hangout ?
Jayden- just go !

Conner walks away from Jayden & talks to his friends.

Kenzie- was that Conner talking to you !
Jayden- he was just being annoying.
Kenzie- sure Annie would freak
Jayden- she wouldn't she's just be

Jayden stares at Annie talking to Hayden.

Jayden- yeah she'd probably freak. But anyways me & him aren't a thing we just hung out once.
Kenzie- well while your at it help me hit it off with Isaak.
Jayden- you can hit it off on your own have you seen yourself your hawt.

Kenzie laughs & so does Jayden.

Hayden grabs Annie's bags & they both watch Tisha drive off.

Asher- ayeee need some help ?

Hayden- help ? From you no way.
Annie- we can manage.

Annie grabs her bag.

Hayden- I can carry it for you Anns
Annie- are you sure ?
Hayden- yes always.
Annie- then I'll carry yours hay It's lighter anyway.

Asher looks at Annie & Hayden in a jealous way.

Asher- well I offered.

He starts to walk away.

Isaak- what was that about.
Conner- I don't know did little Asher find himself a~
Asher- she ain't interested.
Isaak- she sure was yesterday.
Asher- it's whatever I wasn't interested anyway.
Conner- well she must be about her bestfriend then.
Isaak- well all I gotta say is her girlfriends are fine.
Conner- & one is off limits.
Isaak- says who

Isaak & Conner continue to argue as Asher stares at Annie & Hayden.

Indiana- okay we will begin boarding the bus so make a line.

Annie- hey jay & kenz.

Kenzie- morning Annie
Jayden- hey girl we are so not ready for this.
Annie- yeah I am not.
Kenzie- cute
Annie- what ?
Kenzie- you & Hayden
Annie- just bestfriends
Jayden- Aw yes just friends as you always say.
Annie- I'll prove it to you ! This summer I'll leave this camp with a guy.
Kenzie- okay Leblanc how much you betting Bartels ?
Jayden- 10 bucks
Annie- fine !

Annie stares at Asher & notices him starring at her.

They board the bus.

Indiana- okay this is bus 1 there are 4 busses total remember you are in bus 1 & I am taking role.

Hayden- window seat ?
Annie- is that okay ?
Hayden- always anns.

Annie takes the window seat.

Annie- take a nap ?
Hayden- you know it.

Hayden leans his head on Annie's shoulder & closes his eyes.

Asher continues to stare at Annie & Hayden.

Jayden- we gonna have 10 bucks.
Kenzie- you know it.

Annie's POV.
Well here goes nothing. Leaving for the summer let's see what is about to happen I mean could my mom be right ? Would I be able to find a new lover?

To be continued....

I actually like this chapter but stay tuned.


Hi everyone so I know that there is a bit of drama happening right now regarding Jules unfollowing Asher of course this is their business especially since he has a new love interest. Even though I've never been a fan of ashannie or of Asher himself I am going to continue this ashannie book for entertaining purposes. I don't think I will make ashannie endgame in this book just because not every love story has a happy ending. I am not completely sure as of where I am going with the storyline now but please just be respectful to these two in real life. Don't hate on either Jules or Asher.

Also I'd like to wish everyone a happy new year & I can't wait for everyone to see what I have waiting for you all in 2021 ! 🎉💗

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