The red thread of destiny

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Still in the individual's arms, Harsh began to question himself.

'It all looks like clichés.'

At first, everything was confused in Harsh's head. He couldn't do this with the idea that his life could be a BL. If we look closely, everything seems to say the opposite. So Harsh began to think of all the things that only happened in Thai BL and began to compare them to his life.

'Cliché number 1: one of the people in the BL is in engineering ...  and Crap, Man! I am!'

'Cliché number 2: Your best friend and too excited or Talkative. I can surely confirm that Plan is!'

'Cliché number 3: an unusual meeting. As before.'

'Photo number 4: ...'

As Harsh continued to site all the clichés he's been through that day mentally. The other boy looked at him with a little angry expression and then said.

"Do you plan to spend the rest of your life in my arms ??"

It was a normal reaction.
How will you react if you catch up with a person during their fall and the latter, upon landing, does not even want to get up?
In any case, the boy had taken it badly.

Harsh just noticed his mistake then quickly comes out of his arm with a shy face. 

The other boy seems to have calmed down right after.  Harsh took 2 steps behind, and the boy showed to harsh an eccentric smile.

"Young people these days are weird."

Harsh was a little bit angry but didn't show it. If he was brave, he would like to say aloud: ' You're talking as you're older than me of 10 years. I'm pretty sure you'rent, Jerk!'. Only the words " Sorry Phi." came out his mouth.

The other boy just continued to talk with a serious face. " Even though you spilled my orange juice and lounged on my arms, I won't cause you any problems. Just next time be vigilant. There are people less tolerant than me in this compus."

Harsh totally didn't understand the way this guy was thinking! It was too exaggerated. People can't be that Rude... In any case, not for him. 

The only thing he understood of his speech, was the fact that he was certainly a 'rich guy' according to "I won't cause you any problems." Maybe his family has a big society or good relationships with a 'Highly Placed'. Anyways, it's just one more cliché for him. 

Harsh wasn't afraid of 'rich guys'. 

Maybe because he was also one of these 'rich guys'... 

As harsh 'AGAIN' apologized for the incident, another boy out of nowhere appeared, shouting "SOFT! Where the hell are you?"

After seeing harsh and the other boy, he stopped screaming and walked towards them.
"Soft! I finally found you."

After saying those words, he turned to Harsh and looked at the other boy named 'Soft'.
"Ho. A new friend? Are you introducing me?"

Soft turned his whole body to this person's direction and said. "How do you want me to introduce you to someone I don't even know."

Soft truly seems to don't know, who was the boy beside him. And it was. The other boy knew that neither of the two knew each other. So he walked over to Harsh and introduced himself.

"Saswatdee ( Hello ) New student. My name is June and I'm from the faculty of economics. In 3rd year."

he put his hand on the shoulder of the other boy and said. " Here is My best friend, Soft. He is on the same faculty of mine. Don't be fool by his look. he's very kind but prefers sho his dark side."

"You are the one who fooled people with your look. " said Soft, looking the other way.

Harsh didn't hear it clearly, but he guessed it but the differents form of his mouth. 

Harsh didn't expect to introduce himself to seniors on the first day of his university. he just replied by greeting.

"H-hello Phi. Nice to meet you. My name is Harsh."

Even if Harsh was afraid of men, he still acted like he wasn't. He had to be polite and amicable with all his elders or younger even if it didn't want it. it's one of the survival rules. Not being caught by the others. 

"What a coincidence !" said June.

"Your name his Harsh and My friend's name is Soft!" with a big smile June shouted happily. " You were probably meant to meet each other!"

Harsh and Soft looked at June with the same gaze and said at the same time.

"What nonsense."

After that, Soft said to June. " I think we better go. The teacher demanded that the students be in class 10 minutes early. "

June then looked at Harsh, a little saddened.
"Sorry for not staying with you longer but 'Homeworks' are calling us."

"It's nothing Phi." said harsh.

After June said goodbye to Harsh, he and Soft left on their side.

As Harsh was about to leave the opposite side, a voice called out his name.
It was Soft.

Harsh turned around out of politeness, otherwise he would have fled as fast as possible knowing it was the voice of 'The other protagonist in his life'.

The 2 eyes met and with a soft smile Soft said. "Nong Harsh..."

"Until we meet again."

Harsh didn't know if he was more shocked that the title of a Thai BL had just come out of Soft mouth, or because this dude had just linked them with a red thread of destiny.

In all cases, Harsh knew that Soft was a danger for his straight life and could quickly feel fear invading his heart.

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