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Satine had been waiting for this moment for what seemed like years.  She hadn't realized how much she had wanted to kiss the Padawan until it actually happened.

It felt like a huge dam within her had crumbled, and now all of the water was flowing free.  Unfortunately, she had to pull apart from Obi-Wan right before Qui-Gon walked in.  One would think that retrieving bandages shouldn't usually take so long.

Qui-Gon smiled down at them and set the bandages on the floor.  "I hope you two are feeling better." Did Satine imagine the implication in his voice? "Do you want me to stay here and help fix you up?"

Obi-Wan and the duchess exchanged a glance.  Then the Padawan cleared his throat and grinned up at the older Jedi.  "I think we'll be quite all right, Master."

Qui-Gon chuckled and shrugged his broad shoulders.  "Very well.  If you need anything, I'll be in the cockpit." He turned and walked through the threshold, the door sliding closed behind him.

"That was close," Satine breathed as Obi-Wan started preparing the bandages.

"Indubitably," he murmured before glancing up at her.  "You first, darling."

The duchess took in the huge gash on her right thigh.  "Um, how are we going to...?"

Obi-Wan smirked up at her, his blue eyes flashing.  "I'll have to rip off a lot of the fabric so that I can wrap the bandages around your leg." He gently placed his warm hand on her thigh.  "May I?"

Satine nodded, thinking about how painful the wound was and how scandalous it was for a Padawan to be all over the thighs of a duchess.  Her kisses with the Jedi had distracted her from the pain for a while, but now the wound was starting to burn and her whole leg ached terribly.

She sucked in a breath when Obi-Wan ripped her trousers with his hands, leaving only a little bit of fabric to hide more private parts of the body.  Satine's cheeks started turning red, and she was pleased to find that the Padawan had gone pink as well.

"This um, this might leave a scar, my dear," he whispered, his rough hands and clever fingers brushing against her bare skin.

"Hmm," she hummed.  Suddenly, the pain wasn't so bad anymore.  "You'll have to find some way to repay me for that."

He tightened the bandage and looked up at her.  "I would give you all the gifts in the galaxy, if I could, Satine."

She leaned in and planted a kiss on his nose.  "I already have the best gift in the galaxy.  Now sit still so I can clean you up." The duchess seethed as she sat up, pain shooting up her leg.  A rock had fallen on her calf in the cave, but it wasn't broken, just badly bruised.

"Are you alright?" Obi-Wan worried, grabbing her arm to give her support.

"I would be better if it weren't for you," she teased, and the Padawan rolled his eyes.

"I try to be romantic and you laugh in my face," he sighed.  "Maybe I just won't give you any more kisses." He threw a very naughty grin her way, the blood from his forehead trickling down his cheek.  Satine realized just then that the two of them probably looked very... messy, and not just because of the venom-mites.  She hoped that Qui-Gon hadn't noticed.

"Well, I shall have to seduce you then.  And you won't be able to resist the urge to shower me in kisses." She smirked at him and dabbed at his wound with a wet rag.

"By all means," Obi-Wan drawled.  "I'd like to see you try."

Satine giggled, and they finished up the work in comfortable silence, her soft fingers caressing his face as she bandaged his forehead.  The duchess was happy in this moment, but deep down, there was a well of sadness because she knew that this romantic affair would have to end.  They told each other that their kisses in that little room would be the last ones, for they were aware that every new kiss would make it harder and harder for them to part when the time came.  Yet there were many more 'one last times' over the next several months.

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