→ Newt- Where Could She Be? ←

Start from the beginning

The crack in his voice made it hard to turn away. But I can't just stay here and do nothing. Having to find a way out was better that sitting still and looking pretty. "It's not." I replied in a quiet tone as I held his hand in mine, "But sometimes, you can't keep me in here and not do something. This is one of those times." I said to him softly. I was supposed to be mad. What the hell happened? "I'm telling Minho I'm doing it tomorrow, whether you like it or not."

After I said so, Newt looked away from me and switched his gaze on his feet in disappointment. It seemed to pain him to hear that I wasn't going to end up following his way. It made me cup his cheeks to have him look back to my eyes, "Don't you worry, blondie. I'll be back in your arms in one piece."

"Promise?" He muttered, making me chuckle.

"You know I don't make promises I can't keep, right?" I said to him.

"At least promise me you'll be careful?" He requested, wrapping his arms around my waist. It's been a long time since we've been together. I still had this tingling feeling I keep on having whenever he holds me. Despite his protective attitude, I still love how he'd understand what I'm trying to say. It just makes me smile, "That, I can promise."


I shook my hands right after I finished doing my morning stretches. I was also bouncing because of coffee jitters. I buckled my gear and rolled up my sleeves before I tied my hair up. The rest of the Gladers were asleep seeing as we had to be earlier than them.

Newt held my rucksack as I did so. His worried and unsettled look was mixed together. "You sure I can't change your mind the last minute?" He questioned.

I narrowed my eyes towards him, "There's no turning back now, blondie." I remarked, taking my rucksack from him. As if on cue, the doors rolled open slowly. I glanced at Newt one last time with a reassuring smile on my face, "I'll see you later, yeah?"

Newt reluctantly nodded in understanding. I didn't realize Minho was calling for me already, "Hey, Y/N, it's time to go!"

"Yeah, yeah, I'll be there in a second!" I rolled my eyes at him. With that, I got on my toes and pecked Newt's lips, "I love you." I said to him wholeheartedly before I hurried over to Minho.

"I love you more!" He yelled.

"Not possible!"

Once me and Minho were in the maze, he instructed me that the opening was in the 5th section. Saying that we'd meet back in the glade. He knew I didn't like running with a companion. So it was an automatic move to leave me be and do my job.

I did what I was told and started running. My ponytail swinging from side to side while I ran. Left, straight, right, left left.. I keep on chanting the directions in my head until I was met by a tall wall. Above my eyes was a hole. It was fairly large enough for me to fit through. I craned my neck more and squinted my eyes.

I couldn't see a thing. It was dark. The only thing I could make out it was a tunnel. I don't know where it'll lead me, but I'm hoping it's a way out.
"Here we go.." I breathed out.

I gave myself a running start, backing away just a little bit. I popped my neck and shrugged my shoulders back. I would be lying if my chest didn't hurt from beating so fast. Just get it over with. My conscience lectured.

And so I did.

I rushed toward the edge and boosted myself up with my arms. I was surprised I was able to swing my legs over in time, seeing as I have arms equivalent to toothpicks.

I was expecting my feet to hit the ground. But instead, I had myself falling down in the depth of darkness. Since I was taken by surprise, my soul left my body that I wasn't able to scream. All I could do was take in a large portion of air down to my throat.

I didn't know where I was headed. All I could see was little line of tiny light bulbs getting blurry as I fall quickly. Not a single ladder was in sight.

How was I going to get back?

Eventually, I landed harshly on the ground with a grunt. I lift my head up to see an empty lab. Various hologram screens were surrounding the walls and the glass stage in the middle of the room. What the hell is this place? I thought to myself as I got on my feet.

I was about to look around the room more when suddenly, a cylindrical shaped object rolled out in the corner of my eye. I knew it was a bomb when I heard it bleep every second.

The next thing I knew, I felt a sudden electric shock run down my body. It made me fall on the ground. I couldn't move, my vision was blurry. I never stopped shaking. I couldn't let my eyes stay open any longer.

The last thing I saw was a man walking in, watching me grow unconscious.


Third person's POV

It was almost sundown.

Newt was stroking his invisible mustach anxiously as the two of the runners were unusually late. He stood in front of the doors, waiting for them. He even finished doing his job earlier just to stand there and wait.

When his hands grew cold out of worry, he caught Minho running towards the glade. He expected Y/N to be following behind, but she never did.

"Where's Y/N?" He interrogated as soon as Minho reached the glade. The runner frowned in confusion, "She hasn't came back?" He asked back.

Hearing his oblivious remark made Newt's heart drop. "Well, I wouldn't be asking if she was here now, would I?" He snapped.

Minho started to falter. He got worried as well. He treated Y/N like his own little sister. He'd blame himself if something had happened to her. "I-I don't know." Was all he could stutter out, "I'll go back to look for her." He said.

Newt would've done the same. If it weren't for his bad leg, he'd still be one of them and he's able to go to the maze. The thought of how it happened made him feel selfish.

As Minho turned back to run the maze to look for Y/a ggN, a grip on his arm stopped him. "What, Gally?" He turned him with a glare.

"You can't go back there, it's already sundown. It's dangerous!" Gally scolded.

Minho scoffed, "You're not the boss of me, shuck-face." He shrugged off his hand before he jogged back towards the doors.

"Gally's right." Until he suddenly hear Alby's voice, "It's not safe out there at this time."

As selfish as it sounded, Newt couldn't help but interfere, "But Alby, Y/N's in trouble. We have to do something!" He argued.

Just as Alby was about to protest against him, the doors began to close.


Stay tuned for part 2!

Hii!! How're you guys? Good or not? Okay!

Sorry if it took me long to publish this one. If you read my announcement posts, you'll know I'm busy with school works while I despise this learning method even more.

I hope this imagine relieved your stress from school a little bit! I know mine did after I finished writing this part. 😄

Have a nice day/night!🖤

-BloodyinspiredTri 🖤

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