Thomas Brodie-Sangster AU- The flashback Wiseacre pt. 2

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It's the last class period today in this hell hole and I can return the books to the library. But I still need to see our horrid Teacher, Mr Wormwood.

I entered the class but no one's there. Well except for one boy who seems so familiar to me and Mr. Wormwood who is smiling at me in a mischievous way.

"I dismissed them early today to have a talk." He said. I glared at him and asked, "Okay, so what do you want?"

He gestured the boy I saw a while ago to come over to him. "Since you're the top in my class and humiliated me yesterday, this is your punishment." I eyed up the boy beside him. I swear I've seen him before.

"This is Thomas Sangster. You will be tutoring this lad because he's been failing my class and you're the smartest one here." And that's when it hit me. Thomas Sangster, the handsome shank I've lowkey laid my eyes on for years.

But I've never really talked to him. Just take glances on him from time to time.

It was then I realized I zoned out. I shook my head lightly to snap myself out and introduced myself.

"H-Hi, I'm Y/N," I simply offered a hand to shake. He returned the hand and shook it. "Nice to meet you." He greeted.

"Alright now enough talking and get out of here." Mr. Wormwood chimed in. I nodded for and answer and gestured Thomas to follow me outside.

We closed the door to my teacher's classroom and we started to walk while talk. "So, where do you want to study?" I asked. He just shrugged as he rubs the back of his neck. "Okay, what about my house?" I suggested.

"Sounds good." He replied as he smiled. "Okay, C'mon." I said as we walk out of the school.


We entered the house and let him sit on the couch. "Okay make yourself at home. I'm just gonna do something." He nodded in response and I walk to me room. I grabbed a wagon where I carry my borrowed books with and placed the books on it. That way when we are finish, I can return it to the library afterwards.

I got back to the living room to see him fiddling with a pencil by twirling it around his fingers like a drumstick. "Hey, Thomas," he turned his attention to me. "Let's study in my room, I know you won't like it if people around here will disturb us." He grabbed his bag and followed me to my room.

I opened the door for him. He entered and looked around. "You have a lot of books," he stated. "Oh that?" I pointed at the wagon full of books, "I just borrowed it from the library, I don't own any of it." He quietly said okay.

"Okay, you can take a seat anywhere you like." I said to him. He sat on my bed. I followed his actions and sit next to him. I scooted away from him to give him space and pull up an Indian sit to start. "All right, so where are you having trouble the most?" I asked as I get my textbook from my bag. "Ehmm, I'm confused about how they get the acceleration in motion." He responded.

"Oh, well, there's an equation for it." I take a piece of scratch from my notebook and write down the following equation. "See, Vf means the final Velocity and Vi means the initial Velocity." I encircled the Variables, "You subtract the two of them together and then you divide it to t which is the time. With me so far?" I asked.

"I think so, could you maybe give an example?" He requested. I sighed quietly and nodded an okay. I gave the example from the book and read it to him. "Picture this, your motorbike starts running at 30 kph southward, because the vehicles are moving fast, your motorbike speeds up in 5 seconds to reach 50 kph."

"First, you indicate the final Velocity, Initial Velocity, and time. What are they?"

"Umm, 50 kph is the final, 30 kph is the initial and 5 seconds is the time." He answered.

"Correct, now first you subtract--" I was at a mid sentence but then he started to stare at me. "Thomas? Are you listening?" I asked.

"Ye-yeah, I am.." he started to gaze upon my eyes. "You really have beautiful Y/E/C eyes," He quietly said. A tint of pink rose up on my face all of a sudden. "But why do I feel like there's something hiding in it?"

Soon, the door was opened by Amber. She eyed Thomas up and down like a piece of meat, "Whoa, well who's this cute stud?" She asked in a flirtatious way.

I rolled my eyes at her and glared at the same time. "He's here for studying Amber, not for explicit things. Now get out of my room." I demanded sternly. "Whatever, Wiseacre!" She shot back and slammed my door closed. I pinched the bridge of my nose and closed my eyes. I saw a flashback from her eyes again.

She blames me when I arrived because my mum died from my birth. She thinks it's my fault.

A tear pricked my skin when I saw it. I was a mistake to my sister and my dad. It is my fault. I suddenly remembered Thomas is here beside me. So I shakily wiped my tears off and get back to what we were doing. "Sorry about my sister and about these tears, I.. just got dust in my eyes." I excused. "Well that's a lot of dust to make you produce a lot of tears in your eyes." He remarked sarcastically.

"You want to talk about it?" He asked. I shake my head a no but my tongue can't get a hold of itself and started to speak up. "You see, I kinda have this thing going on.." I started.

"What is it?"

"Don't freak out okay?" I took a deep breath. "I don't know how or why.. but I can sort of see flashes of memories from other people whenever I look into their eyes. Kinda like a vision, but in the past." I said.

"And did you see anything in your sister's a while ago?" He asked. I nodded, "she blames me for our mum's death. And from then on, I'm always alone. Isolated. No one took care of me. But then I discovered books and started to read. From children's books to the ones like moby dick and Sherlock Holmes. But they wouldn't care. Sometimes they would even call me the little wiseacre and punish me, just because for being a smartass lad. I wouldn't call myself smart, but that's what they say about me, smartass."

"Oh, I'm sorry about your mum.. no wonder you always daydream.."

"It's alright." I put up a sad smile and I tried avoid his eyes. Because then I would see flashbacks from another again. "Y/N?"

"Yes?" I looked at his face, anywhere but his eyes. "Could you look at me in the eyes and tell me what memory can you see from me?" He requested.

I don't know why, but I wanted to do it, I didn't mind. I shifted in to a comfortable position and faced him. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I let it out and look straight up in his doe brown orbs.

It took a moment but I can see it already. "Well, I see.. you, maybe 4 years ago, staring at a girl who's reading with a wagon filled with books beside her. Admiring all of her.." Wait a minute, Y/H/C hair, Y/E/C eyes, Y/S/C skin... is this me?

"Hold on, why are you letting me see this?" I asked as I blinked vigorously for a few seconds. "Because I've always loved the girl I've been looking at for years. Do you know who she is?" For some reason, I couldn't speak as he slowly lean his youthful face to me. He didn't even let me respond, he only answered his own question as our lips are a centimeter away from each other, "It's you, love."

With that, he attached his thin lips to mine. It wasn't like one of those truth or dare kisses nor in spin the bottle ones. It was sweet, loving, gentle. I melted into the kiss and my eyes fluttered shut. I can feel electricity connecting us. Butterflies erupting in my stomach.

Until he pulled away but our foreheads together. "Well that was.. wow" is all I can say. "Was that your first?" He asked. I nodded a yes.

"Do you love me the way I do?" He questioned. "Of course, I've been loving you for years." I admitted while chuckling.

He smiled and requested, "May I take your second?"

"I'd be delighted."

With that, our lips are back together for another loving kiss.

The End..


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