Chapter 5

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I sighed as I woke up on my bed. Dang, I wish I hadn't went to school. Still I bet a lot of losers will hit up on my Flower. I stand up and change into the uniform. I walked out and saw Ben wearing our uniform. He transformed into a normal kid with peach skin. No sword. Regular eyes, he looked normal.
"Let's go!" Ben cheered and I let out a sigh. "School here I come?" I mumbled. We walked downstairs and I saw Holly, my Flower. "HOLLY-SAMA!!!!" I screamed running to her and I jumped and we tumbled at the floor laughing and playing. "Good morning Maxwell,"
Holly greeted. "Good morning!" I giggled.

I sighed. I'm so bored. I wonder how it feels like having a girlfriend. I know Maxwell is not a creepypasta but still. Lol look at him trying to kiss Holly. Then I saw Ben. Yes thank you! I secretly walked up to him and stab his shoulders. "OWW!!!!!" Ben screamed. He turned around and I quickly his my knife. "What happen?" I asked walking towards him. "Someone stab my shoulders..." He grunted. "Is it you?!"
"Nope!" I let out a small chuckle. "I wonder who it is!"

It's Jeff all right. That fucking back stabber. I don't like buddies who do that. "It's you right?" I asked.
"N-No!" Jeff tried to hold down his laugher.
"Tell me the TRUTH! I screamed in rage.
"IT WASNT ME!" Jeff looked at me with his stupid innocent eyes.
"Ok. It wasn't you." I sighed.
"T-To be....mmfff..... Honest -little laugh- I-I...MCFGGGHH. I did it."
"WHAT?!?" I screeched. Jeff burst in laughters. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! Your so funny to tease. And so gullible! Haha..." I glared at him but I have to ignore that. I wash out my wound and patch up my shoulders. Ok time to go.

Time to go.

Time to go. We all waved bye to everyone and hugged Sally. She is adorable I closed the door and locked it. We stared walking down the forest. Going to the sidewalk and in our school gate.

~At Class~
Ms.Peach introduce Ben. Of course he is normal. Thank goodness not cute. Lol that would be funny. Now at Recess. I walked around the fields with Ben and Maxwell. "So what we have for our L.A homework?" Both of them asked. "Page.76 #1-8 9, 11" I answered.
"Thanks." Ben sighed. "I'm so bored! School is so boring! I hate school! Let's bust out! Do they even have security cameras? Are they professional? I really want a code yellow or red. Ugh..." Maxwell whined. "Quit whining and go one with it!" I glared at him. "Fine." After Recess there was an actual CODE RED AND YELLOW AT THE SAME TIME! A lot of people started panicking and the teachers told them to shut up. "Yes!!!!" Ben cheered quietly. "Woohoo!!" Maxwell did the same. Then at the P.A I heard and announcement.
"Secondary School students I wonder if your going to live. There are monsters in the buildings and robbers. If you want to lives unlock your door and do what I said. I am watching you and Taylor Hans I saw you rolling your eyes. -Taylor gasped. So he is actually watching us. "Anyways after you unlock huddle in the corner. Then we will spare you. Or we could change our minds." His voice is low and dark. It sounds like a man. But monsters? Whoah. This is crazy and of course EVERYONE HUDDLE AT THE CORNER. "Begging for their lives. Pathetic." I mumbled. "I know right?" Ben sneered. "It's better if their dead." Maxwell sighed. "HURRY TO THE CORNER!" Ms.Peach ordered. "DO YOU WANT TO DIE?!"
We looked at her. We smiled.


The door crashed open and 15 men run inside. "FREEZE!" One man ordered. "PUT YOUR HANDS ON THE AIR WHERE I COULD SEE IT!"
"So old school." I giggled.
"I said so 'old school.'l" I sneered.
"Die." He grabbed a gun from his pocket and start shooting. Click, Click, he have no bullets. "Looking for these?" I asked holding his bullets.
"H-How?!" He startled. I throw the bullets at him a few legs. Hands. Arms. Body. He screamed in pain and yelled.


Dear Readers:
I just finish the chapter! Im so tried in going to hear music and relax. Anyways hope you like it and yeah! :) I'm kinda happy Love Psycho is getting more views only at chapter 1 lol XD c ya latter my kitties!x3


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