Chapter 3

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I quickly took a glare at him. He just responded with a smile. All if the girls were like: "Awwww!!!! He is adorable!!!!!!" I groaned and all of the girls AND EVEN THE BOYS! Stare at me. "What?" I ask. "You little freak!" Taylor whispered. "You don't even know how cute he is!!!" "Of course I don't know!" I lied. He is adorable, he is using the 'fake smile.'

Later on over the day I excused myself to go to the washroom. A few seconds later after leave Taylor, Selena, Rebbeca walked inside the washroom and sneered "Well, we'll guess what bitch?"
"What?" I mumbled.
"Maxwell took interest on you!" Taylor hissed. "After you left Maxwell said "Who is she?" We said "Ignore her! She is a creep but GUESS WHAT HE SAID NERD?!"
I didn't respond. "HE SAID COOL!" Rebecca screamed. "WHY DO HE LIKE YOU huh?!?!!?"
"Because he likes me!" I shot back. "Got a problem?"
"Ummmm..NO!" Rebecca answered.
"Then why are you complaining?" I teased. "Oh! Let me guess! Jealousy?!"
That's when it got ugly. Rebecca snapped and started punching me. I fell down. Taylor started kicking my rib cage. Selena started pulling my hair. But I didn't scream! It doesn't barely hurt! I'm not human anyways. I will just let them do whatever they want.
"NERD!IDIOT!BITCH!" They all scream punching me, kicking me, doing anything to kill me. Rebecca even took a knife and stab my shoulders. I scream in pain. It hurts now but I can't fight back, I'll kill them if I do. Taylor pulled my hair and smashed my face in the mirrors. Blood kept on splitting everywhere staining the floor, mirror, counter, And all of our clothings. "YOU DONT DESERVE TO LIVE! YOU ARE JUST A PIECE OF SHIT!" Selena screamed. And she started stabbing me everywhere. I screamed. It hurts everywhere. Why are they jealous anyways? Why so they always like to bully me? Why do they hate me? Why do they wanted me to die? Why do they never respected me? All of the questions in my head kept on popping out in my brain, But a voice disturbed my thinking. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?!?!" Screamed wait. I don't know who it is. I glanced up. It was Maxwell. I never hear him raise his voice so high!
"You ugly bitched get off Crystal!" Ordered Maxwell.
The girls just stared at him. "S-She tried to kill me!" They all lied.
"What I saw is you killing her!" Maxwell shouted.
"N-No!" They stammered.
Maxwell showed his phone. He is still recording.
Then Selena grabbed my hair and nearly slice my throat.
"Move I'll kill her!"
Maxwell obeyed.
"Pretend this didn't happen!" Selena ordered.
"No." Maxwell disobeyed. Just then before she could kill me Maxwell run and high kicked Selena in the chin. His eyes is raging red almost like blood. No. It's worse than blood. He started beating up the girls screaming. He kept on punching them and kicking their rib cages just like they did to me.
"S-Stop...." I mumbled over pain. He stopped and look at me. Yes. Those red eyes I saw. He is full with anger. Then he fell on his knees and started crying pulling me in his chest repeating the words "Sorry" and sorry and sorry all over again. The teachers and police ran in the washroom and saw the mess.

They took me to the hospital with the 3 Hans. Ughhhh it hurts. The pain is everywhere. After a little while I saw Maxwell looking at me on the bed. Still saying sorry.
"It's ok Maxy." I smiled
"No it's not!" Maxwell cried.
"It's my fault hon...I didn't fight back..."
Guiltiness flowed the room.
"Speaking of that...." Maxwell continued. "Why didn't you fight back?"
"I'll kill them if I do." I answered.
"So you are a serial killer like me?" Maxwell asked.
"Yup!" I replied.
He chuckled. Then the phone rings. I picked up the phone and answered it.
"Hello?" I responded
"Is this Vegas?" A man asked
"Yes." I said
"Your house is in fire ma'am."
"WHAT?!" I screamed in shock. I jumped and run outside Jeff chasing me from behind. Yup. My house is on fire. "NOOOO!!!" I shrieked. "Sorry Flower." Maxwell said. "I burned it down." I turned around and slapped him. "WHY?!!?" I screamed tears streaming down my face. "M-MY PARENTS THINGS ARE INSIDE! AND MY PRECIOUS THINGS TO! WHY YOU DID THAT?!? I HATE YOU!" Maxwell smiled he was holding boxes. Yup I recognized it. It's my precious stuff inside. I screamed and jumped on him "SORRY! I TAKE THE SLAP BACK! AND THE I HATE YOU!" I started kissing his cheeks everywhere on his face. He kiss me on the lips. "I'll show you where is your new house!" He winked and we started walking to the forest. He was walking until I saw a strange path. Maxwell went there and I followed him. He pushed a big stone and another huge stone opened. It was a secret passage way. He lit the torches and all of the other torches glowed one by one. The walls are made out of bricks. It was man made and at the end of the tunnel there is a door. Again Maxwell pushed another big rock and the door slowly opened. Outside we are in front of a mansion.

"Welcome To Hell."
Maxwell welcomed.
Dear readers:
Hi! Kat here with another chapter released!:D hopefully you like this one! See you later my Kitties! The next chapter Holly will meet The Creepy Pastas!:3

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