No regrets

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Minho entered the police station still dressed as a citizen as they get changed once they start their shift. The building only had one floor and was quite small. When you open the door, at his right there was the reception with a receptionist. 

In front the previous officer he was replacing was still tidying up her bag and other properties, so before she changed her uniform Minho went to do so at the changing room to avoid having time without no one at the table. 

Next to that there was another table with another partner who was facing the doors that led to the changing room and the bathrooms. At that last table's left, there was the superior's office and a small waiting seats with a water dispenser. 

In those less than five minutes, a certain someone also arrived at the station, papers in hand and asked for the superior named Jaebum. On her way to his office, she made eye contact with Hyunjin, who had arrived from a short patrol and was having a cup of cold water. 

He instantly froze on the spot, fearing the worst, and Y/N simply smiled while waving her hand at him. He bowed subtly, to correspond the greeting. When she got inside and started talking to JB, Hyunjin searched for Minho.

-She's here. -That's the only thing he could articulate and the other male tilted his head at him, gesturing for Hyunjin to explain who was he talking about. -The FBI agent from last week.

With that he signaled their superior's office and Minho closed his eyes to try to recognize the silhouette he didn't forget at all even after more than seven days that had passed. Minho let out a airy laugh and simply went to his table to run the computer because he had to finish a report he was ordered to do.

-Why do you think she asked for our name's and patrol? To get here, obviously. -Minho said, apparently uninterested, but the butterflies in his stomach said otherwise. Deep into his mind, he was intrigued by what she wanted to say to Jaebum.

-Yeah but I didn't really think she'd come? Oh gosh I'll have to say goodbye to the coworkers, we are probably getting kicked out today. -Again the black haired male acted dramatically, expecting the worse from the situation. 

The reality is, inside the room, Y/N was presenting an apology for the FBI and concretely her reckless behaviour without prior communication to the police, even if it wasn't a planned persecution. JB laughed at the situation, eyeing the younger male who had addressed the woman on the topic that day.

-Minho is truly a good police officer, even though his stubbornness and sometimes direct way of speaking makes it look rude to others. However he simply wants to build a safe city for everyone. -Y/N simply nodded, because that's what lead her to write the apology in first place: he was right and didn't want the matter to slip just because she was from a more important organization.

-I'm sure he's very respected from that, others should look up to him and his behaviour, at least in the sense of defending the law and the right against the wrong. -JB agreed on that and saved the document in his drawer, thanking her once again for not holding grudges against him and she exited the office.

Y/N got where the males were just when Hyunjin wasn't facing her and was complaining at Minho how he didn't want to change neither the patrol nor the building they were in as it was near to his house and already had known most of their partners.

-That won't be necessary. -Her voice spoke behind him, scaring the male who jumped from where he was sitting on Minho's table. He looked in confusion at him, hand in his chest, visibly taken aback from her sudden appearance.

-What do you mean? -Hyunjin asked cautiously, not sure if he wanted to know the answer to that question. 

-I came here to hand in an apology on behalf of my unit and the FBI, -Hyunjin's eyes widened even more than when she had scared him- not to get you both kicked out. -With that last phrase Y/N turned his gaze to Minho who had been staring the whole time with a witty smile. -Although I was tempted to. 

-I think I have to leave if I want to grab some food before another patrol. -Hyunjin looked alternately between his friend and the FBI agent, noticing the tension between both, deciding it was a good timing to leave for his lunch break. -Um, thank you for not taking Minho's words in a personal way, thank gosh his visuals saved us...

He said goodbye in an awkward way, muttering out his last words almost imperceptibly and eyeing the brown haired male with fear. He would probably get scolded for that last part, but it was in repay for last week's second hand embarrassment he had to go through.

-He's getting punched for that later. -Minho said, finally speaking to the woman who hadn't left his thoughts through the whole week. Y/N laughed at their friendship which seemed to go further than in the lavor sphere. -However I truly was lucky you weren't a cocky agent and regretted sprinting down the street instead, Hyunjin didn't deserve to lose his job position.

-I don't know how many FBI agents you've encountered but we don't have that much of arrogance. -Minho rolled his eyes, as if he was saying <<If I told you>>, which being the trouble magnet he is, he sure had meet some. -And who said I regret that? I just acknowledged it.

Y/N corrected him, even after he was being grateful. Minho was the one to laugh now, shaking his head in disbelief, but he could sense the woman was joking. Before he could say anything else, she stood up from the place Hyunjin had been sitting before.

-I must get to my department now. -Minho nodded, instantly wanting to search for an excuse to not lose her for some reason he couldn't yet comprehend. He didn't even have the guarantee she had any intention towards him. -But first, could I make it up for the coffee you spilled the other night some day? 

-How did you know that? -Minho smiled cheekily, however at the back of his mind he wa wondering if he was more surprised at the fact that she knew him and Hyunjin were drinking coffee or that she was also interested in him. It was hard for him to read Y/N's true feelings which also made Minho more intrigued.

She simply winked as a response, not only to be more secretive but because it was a bit boresome to talk about her gesture reading abilities she was taught and the behaviour analysis skills. Minho wanted to know more about the mystery she was so he reached for a post-it and wrote down his phone number then handed the note to her.

-When should I expect you to contact me, miss incognito? -He was trying to grasp onto any guarantee to secure whatever that offer was, but the agent was truly making him have a hard time with that.

-I'll let you know, but you will probably figure it out before I call you. -Minho wasn't sure what she meant with that, however their time was up and he could only mutter goodbye at the woman who was already walking away after having waved at him.

-Did you see that? -One of his female co-workers whispered to another, concretely recepcionist. -I think I've seen anything in life at this point, Lee Minho accepting a date -When they noticed the piercing stare of the male, they were so startled that they went back to their positions.

Even though Minho could understand the curiosity, and gossiping is gossiping, it wasn't their business to make such a fuss for that matter. It was true that during his six years at the police force he hadn't dated anyone. At all.

During the friends and police partners parties or other gatherings he was always asked the same question. <<Why don't you have a partner yet?>> They didn't do it with a bad intention, because they were always joking about how with his good looks he could get any woman or man. Minho preferred to simply shrug his shoulders each time.

He wanted to keep his reasons to himself, only his closests friends like Hyunjin knew he was more into casual encounters and one night stands because he wouldn't stand having a relationship and hurting the other person due to his work schedule or, in the worst case, that something happened to him.

Others wouldn't take that as a such serious matter, however he had witnessed that during all his childhood. He had experienced his dad coming late to home, her mum feeling lonely and sad, and Minho was always playing alone or with his three cats because his father couldn't be there for him. Then, what made him change his mind this time around?

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