There's No Place Like Hoenn

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(< > Is the translation of pokemon's speech , [ ] is the pokedex and bold are thoughts)

Our heroes arrives at Petalburg City reasonably early after May fails to catch an Azurill because she didn't know Torchic's moves.

"May, you can use your pokedex to see it's moves, remember?" Ash asked.
"Oh yeah! I forgot." May exclaims, feeling embarrassed and she looks up her Torchic's moves.

"Let's see.. Scratch, Ember, Peck, and Sand Attack." May reads, Ash nodding, saying "That's a decent moveset for a beginning pokemon trainer."

Brock chimes in with "So May, are you gonna go on a badge collecting journey?"

May looked nervous and said "Y-yeah..", but Ash noticed it was a lie.
Infact, it sounded like she didn't know what to do.

Did Brock notice that? Ash asked in his head, knowing he won't really get an answer that way.

May then said she had to go do some errands, and then she'd be back, so Brock and Ash agreed to go to the gym right now, but it seemed to be empty.

"Hellooo! Anyone here?!" Brock calls out, a boy with a green shirt, oxford blue hair, and glasses comes in, looking upset.

"Would you keep it down?! I'm trying to watch the Silver Conference!" He yells, but sees Ash and he's shocked and excited.

"Oh my gosh! The winner of the Silver Conference is here! He's really here!" He cries out loudly, to which Ash covers his ears to.

A man with black hair then comes in.
"Max, what are you-" He then stopped when he sees Ash.

"Ash! Look at how you've grown! It's been so long!" He says with a smile, Brock and the boy looking confused.

"Dad, you already know him?" The boy said. The man nods and Ash goes to him. "Norman, it's great to see you again. How's Spinda?" Ash greeted and asked, Norman smiled and said "She's great thanks to the diet you helped with her on."

Ash smiles and sees the Spinda they were talking about, a shiny Spinda to be exact. Spinda waltzes to Ash, hugging his leg, to which Ash picks up the pokemon and hugs.

"Aww, I missed you too Spinda." Ash said. May walks in and Brock and Ash find that she, the boy, who's name is Max, and Norman are related, Norman being their father.

They had a small lunch break to which Ash has cooked, Max takes note of all of Ash's pokemon, though he hasn't had Latias, Latios, Deoxys, or Jirachi out.

Ash sets down some fruit sandwiches, some salad with diced Sitrus berries, and freshly made Pinap juice.

They all eat happily. "Wow! This is the best fruit sandwich I've ever had! Especially the bread!" May exclaims, Ash blushing modestly.

"Did you grow the berries you used?" Norman's wife, Caroline asked, to which Ash nods.

"These are high quality berries." She compliments, to which Ash was still modest.

"Hey Ash? Why are all of your pokemon shiny?" Max finally asks.
Ash turns to Brock, who nods encouragingly.

Ash nervously explained his odd aura making any pokemon he gets shiny and him having psychic powers, but never using them in battle, except telepathy, but only on occasion.

Ash showed his psychic power repressing belt, which had a button with the picture of an eye on it. He explained when it glows, it means his powers are being repressed, but it's a small glow so it's hard to tell when covered.

Max seemed really interested and said "I knew some people can use and sense aura, but I never heard of it affecting their own and their pokemon's biology."

Ash sees a Zigzagoon and Slakoth who aren't eating the food Norman set for them and goes to them and tastes the food.

"Hmm..Hey Norman, the food for Zigzagoon is bitter and for Slakoth, it's too sour. It's common for normal types to enjoy spicy or sweet foods more, Zigzagoon more on spicy and Slakoth on sweet." Ash explains and Norman looks embarrassed.

"Oh no, I thought I grabbed the food they liked at the store." He said, but Ash makes two bowls of pokemon food and gives them to the two pokemon.

Zigzagoon bites a bit and looks happy, eating more. Slakoth takes slow bites, but was clearly enjoying the food.

May and Max were clearly impressed.
"Wow Ash! It looks like they like you a lot!" Max said, Ash pets the normal types lovingly.

After lunch, Ash then asks the big question. "Norman, I'd like to have a gym battle with you." Norman looked shocked and remembered an important detail.

"Well Ash, in order to face me in a gym battle, you have to have four or more badges and you said you just started your Hoenn journey, so I'm sorry." He explains, Max was the one to groan.

"Come on Dad, I wanna see you two battle!" Norman goes to him and says "Now now, I never said battle in general. I said a gym battle. Me and Ash can still have an unofficial battle, how does that sound?"

Max was happy and apologized for seeming rude before.

They all head to the battle field, including Zigzagoon, Slakoth, and Spinda went to the bleachers.

"Is a one on one battle okay?" Norman asks, Ash nods, sending out Pikachu while Norman sends out a Vigoroth.

"Vigoroth, use Scratch!" Norman orders, Vigoroth nods and goes after Pikachu.

Pikachu however dodges very quickly and attacks with Quick Attack hard.

They clash Shadow Claws and Iron Tails speedily. Vigoroth then grabs Pikachu's tail, but then Pikachu uses Thunder, and due to Vigoroth holding on, it can't miss.

It was a one shot, Vigoroth passes out as Pikachu runs to Ash.

"Hehe, I should've figured I'd lose. But I won't make it one on one next time." Norman said, shaking Ash's hand.

Team Rocket bursts in, grabbing Spinda, Zigzagoon, and Slakoth, who are trying to fight back.

Ash sends Pikachu, Togetic, and Eevee to get back the pokemon, which they do easily and make Team Rocket blast off again.

After checking for any wounds, the three hugs and nuzzles Ash.

"Hey Ash, how about you keep those three?" Norman asks, to which Ash was surprised.

"You saved them and helped them out when they couldn't eat. I know you'll raise them well." Norman said, Ash accepting and scanning his new pokemon.

[Slakoth, the Slacker Pokemon.
It sleeps virtually all day and night long. It doesn't change its nest its entire life, but it sometimes travels great distances by swimming in rivers.
This Slakoth is level 9 with the ability Truant, Male, and knows the moves Scratch, Yawn, Encore, Slack Off, Crush Claw*Egg Move*, Hammer Arm*Egg Move*, Slash*Egg Move*, Night Slash*Egg Move*, and Body Slam*Egg Move*]

[Zigzagoon, the Tiny Racoon Pokemon.
The hair on Zigzagoon's back is bristly. It rubs the hard back hair against trees to leave its territorial markings. This Pokémon may play dead to fool foes in battle.
This Zigzagoon is level 15 with the ability Quick Feet, Male, and knows the moves Growl, Sand Attack, Headbutt, Covet, Rock Climb*Egg Move*, Pursuit*Egg Move*, and Extreme Speed*Egg Move*]

[Spinda, the Spot Panda Pokemon.
No two Spinda are said to have identical spot patterns on their hides. This Pokémon moves in a curious manner as if it is stumbling in dizziness. Its lurching movements can cause the opponent to become confused.
This Spinda is level 55 with the ability Own Tempo, Female, and knows the moves Thrash, Feint Attack, Psybeam, Hypnosis, Dizzy Punch, Facade, Sucker Punch, Protect, Teeter Dance, Double Team, Flail, Shadow Ball, Dream Eater, Double-Edge, Attract, Brick Break, Wish*Egg Move*, Water Pulse*Egg Move*, Psycho Cut*Egg Move*, and Fake Out*Egg Move*]

After some talking, everyone agrees that May and Max will travel with Ash and Brock and now, our heroes are headed for Rustboro City.
As the journey continues.

End of Chapter Two

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