CH 2 - Church Bells

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In a little over an hour, you finally arrived. The venue you finally settled on ended up being a beautiful vineyard, just outside of the city of YorkNew. The reception hall was in a building on the grounds but the ceremony would take place outside. The staff was still setting up the tables in the reception area and all the decorations outside in the garden, but you could already see it was going to look magical once fully set up.

It was here that it really hit you. You were about to get married. You never thought you would be someone's wife, romance was never a huge part of your life. But then again, no one had ever made you feel the way Hisoka made you feel, and you hoped that feeling would never end.

As you and Melody entered the back area of the venue, you opened the door to your dressing room and saw a white gift box with a red bow tie sitting in the middle of the floor. You smiled, vaguely smelling his cologne lingering in the air. Yep, he was here not too long ago, and likely still somewhere in the building. He probably watched you walk in without you even noticing. It might seem strange to others but it was little things like that, that made you all the more attracted to Hisoka.

Melody went off to begin getting ready as you walked up to the gift box, your mind not focused on anything else. You unwrapped it and smirked, not surprised at what was laying inside. Hisoka had an obsession with buying you these sorts of things. And they were always a sign of fun times ahead. You picked up the handwritten card first, and read it to yourself.

Something new, something blue.... for our wedding night.

Inside the gift box was a deep midnight blue lingerie set: Corset. Panties. Garter belt. The lacework was very intricate. Beautiful and high quality. He was definitely going to want you in this tonight. You wanted to put it on now and see how sexy you would look in it, but you figured it would make more sense to wait and change into it later. So you donned the original white bridal lingerie set that you picked out yourself, and with Melody's help, got changed into your wedding dress.

After a few touch-ups and additions here and there, and after several hours in total, you were finally ready to walk down the aisle. Jane came into the room, still as excited and high energy as she was earlier that morning.

"Y/N! You look like a fairy tale princess right now, I can't even believe it. Everything is set, are you ready?"

You took another look in the mirror at yourself. You did look like a princess. Your beautiful white gown fit you perfectly, your hair and makeup completely complimented the look. Everything was perfect... too perfect, and that made you even more nervous.

"Yes, I'm ready."

Jane walked with you to the doorway leading to the garden.

"Alrighty, wait here and wait for the music. That's your cue to start walking down the aisle. Just like we practiced."


When your eyes followed Jane out into the garden, you almost fainted. You expected maybe 20 people to show up, a few associates and acquaintances. But your heart began racing when you saw over 100 people were on both sides of the aisle.

Everyone was dressed nicely, seemingly waiting patiently for the wedding to begin. You wanted to look and see exactly who came but as your eyes wandered, you saw him. And he saw you.

Hisoka was there and suddenly nothing else existed. He was standing at the end of the aisle, in a fitted black tuxedo with a red tie. His hair was long and down, styled that way he knew you liked. He was looking directly at you, with that signature smirk on his face. You could feel him pulling you in, closer and closer. You wanted to run down the aisle into his arms, his energy was absolutely irresistible to you. But you resisted. You stepped slowly down the aisle as the small classical music orchestra begin playing.

The Magician x The Empress 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora