Chapter 11 -coffee date- (finished)

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It was the next day, she woke up lying on the floor in her guest room. She got up with a headache "God...." she mumbled as she sat on the bed, she checked her phone

albertstuff: 'ready for our coffee date?'

she read the message 

"OH YEAH!" she said as she ran out of the guest room and ran to her closet, she noticed Adam wasn't at the house, he was probably at the bar again.

she wore a cute white sundress with little cherries on them with cherry earrings and lipgloss that tasted like cherries

she really liked cherries (sorry if you are allergic) 

she grabbed her red purse and texted albert

y/n: 'where at?'

albertstuff: 'the one on poxy ave'

y/n: 'kk'

she left her house and got in her f/c car

once she arrived she stepped out and walked into the shop seeing albert sitting at the table at the far corner wearing a tyler the creator shirt and sweatpants, he immediately spotted you with what seemed like a glimmer in his eyes, she walked over and waved

"I didn't know you going to dress so fancy shmancy!" he said giggling softly as he rubbed the back of his neck blushing slightly.

she blushed as well due to the compliment, "Yeah I tend to overdress." she said smiling as she sat across from him.

"its fine, you look great." he said, "take a seat!' he added, smiling brightly.

"i see you like tyler the creator." she said, starting up some conversation. he nodded "yeah, im a big fan of his IGOR album, its a total booty jam." he said. 

y/n laugh, "booty jam?' she said, still giggling slightly. "yeah! i mean that album is super good." he replied, laughing a bit. "no, no i agree, its great."

albert jumped a little "oh, uh, what coffee did you want? sorry i completely forgot that we were at this cafe." he said, "sorry, im really forgetful sometimes, ya know?" She nodded "its fine, and ill have a f/d." she replied.

y/n had really forgot how much she loved alberts goofiness, his smile, his voice, and just his presence. She blushed to herself thinking about him.



~Whats love?~ Flamingo/Albert/Albertstuff x ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum