~after a while~ CHAPTER 10

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It's been a few years..
Y/n has found a new boyfriend, his name?
Y/n woke up next to her boyfriend Adam, she looked at him and she thought of someone she hasn't thought about in a long time..
She shook her head "No, he's gone, stop it."
But you need to say sorry..
"I do." She said finding his Instagram, she unblocked him, surprisingly, he hadn't blocked her after 3 years.
She messaged him:
'Hey I'm sorry, for everything that I've said and done to you, I know we haven't spoken in a long time but I hope we can be on good terms albert, I'm very sorry and I was immature, but I'm changed now, I just felt like I needed to say sorry, I was in the wrong and I'm hoping you forgive me.' She sent, immediately after, it said 'seen' under the message.
albertstuff is typing...
'Hey it's alright, I get it, I didn't hold a grudge, and you started a YouTube channel? I only found that recently, glad you're doing well, and I'm sorry too, I've said and done somethings that I'm not okay with, so yeah, glad you reached out.'
He sent back
'Thank you so much for forgiving me, you're too nice, anyway, I was thinking... maybe we could be friends? I dunno, only if you want to.' Y/n sent back
'I've been thinking about that too, we can be friends : )'
He sent back
'Goodie, anyway, I'm going to start my day real quick so text you l8tr sk8tr.'
Y/n sent
'Alright buhbye.'
Y/n got out of bed and went to the bathroom to brush her teeth, take a shower and brush her hair as she walked out with a robe on and decided to make breakfast,
She wanted to wait for Adam so she waited.
10 minutes...
20 minutes...
30 minutes...
She just decided to eat alone as she finished up her food she cleaned her dish, she left Adams plate on the table a dsay in the couch to watch the office
Adam walked out 30 minutes later and sat at the table
"Hey baby!" Y/n said turning around
Adam didn't say anything as he ate breakfast
"Why the fuck is it cold?" He mumbled
"Huh?" Y/n said as she couldn't hear him
"Why. The. Fuck. Is. It. Cold?" He said again, louder
"Well, I uh, wanted to wait for you but I figured you were asleep and left your food there for you." Y/n said sweetly
"I've been up for an hour, you could've came in and fucking told me." Adam said coldly
"I didn't know you were up babe, I'm sorry."
Y/n said playing with her hair (if you have any)
"You better be, and plus this sucks can't you cook better?" He asked as he dumped the food into the trash "that's where it belongs." He mumbled as he put his dishes in the sink and left them there for her to clean as he went back into the room and played fortnite on his laptop.
Y/n texted Albert
'My boyfriend is being cranky AGAIN, he just dumped the breakfast I made for him in the trash!! :(' She texted, come to think of it he's been acting odd lately, he's been lashing out at her, he's started hitting her too, she thought nothing of it, she thought it was normal.
'Really? He's sounds like an asshole!! : ('
Albert sent
She giggled softly
'No, my cooking just sucks.' She said putting down her phone
"Micheal is such a narcissist!" She laughed
"STOP BEING SO LOUD!" Adam yelled
Y/n frowned as she went into the room to get clothes "I'm going out babe." She said
"With who?" He asked
"Nobody just me." She said
"Whatever, I have a feeling you're lying." He said
"I'm not!" She said going to the bathroom o change, she wore a black turtle neck sweater with ripped jeans and lace up boots, she grabbed her small black leather book bag and put her phone and wallet in there as she went to the store,
She grabbed a shopping cart and started shopping, she went to the chip aisle for Adam and she grabbed some chips as someone crashed into her cart "Oh I'm sorry!" She said as she looked up "Albert?" She said as she looked at Him "y/n?" He asked
"Hey!" She said as she went over to side hug him
"Fancy seeing you here!" She said as she put her hair behind her ear "I'm just getting chips for my boyfriend and groceries." She said picking up some takis
"I'm just getting groceries too, just for me." He said
"Well, do you wanna catch up over coffee sometime?" She asked
"I have to film some videos today, maybe tomorrow?" He asked
"Yeah totally!" She said smiling
"Well I'll see ya around." He said
"Alright, buhbye!" She said continuing her shopping,once she was done she checked out and headed home, she put the groceries away as she did Adam came out of the room
Adam slapped her "OW! FUCK!" Y/n yelled out in pain
Adam was drunk again,
"Who the fuck were you with?!" He yelled
"N-nobody!" She said starting to cry as she got up and ran to the guest room and locked the door, Adam yelled, "LIAR!"
y/n cried for the rest of the night


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